Heavy |15|

210 8 7

Morning dawned, frizzed hair and some strands sticking out

My head feels heavy...it felt like I had weights attached to my head... it wasn't pleasing, it was painful

Maybe it was cause I was up longer than usual... it doesn't make sense, I've stayed up late before. Perhaps it was the coffee, well that doesn't make sense either...

That night felt... deep... I was deep in sleep...


My head hurts so bad... a headache? A migraine? Hungover? Too far...

Whenever I close my eyes it hurts... huh

"Did I cry?"

My eyes are red.. red and puffy. I definitely cried...

Ohhh, ok that makes sense now. My head hurts cause I was crying... why was I crying?... how long was I crying...

I look worse than zhu...ok now that's just mean...

But seriously, I look horrible, it's not even my hair. Face! My entire face looks horrible, it's like red paint was smeared on my face, my eyes look dry... I don't think my tears even moisten my skin...

Shit... what happened to me...

After the mission... I went back to the office to hand over the data... hand over th data... hand it to yelan...right?

Wait...was I able to find yelan...huh...

Did I pass out?... if I passed out in the office... who took me ho-


"Oh you're awake?"

Change pov

"Oh you're awake?"

The figure stood by Y/N's bedroom door frame holding some tea

"Zhu?" The owner of the house questioned

"You didn't show up to work, one of your men told me"

He entered placing the tray of tea down by her bedside

"You didn't inform anyone, so I was a bit on edge"

"I see... but how did-"

"You left your spare keys in my place" smiling he cut her off knowing what she was going to ask

"I had plans of returning it today, but you didn't show. Given the situation I thought it was best I drop by..."

"Sorry if that's a bit... creepy" an awkward chuckle escaped his lips

Y/N much to her own shock, didn't mind that he went inside

"It's alright... it throws me off a bit, but I have no complaints"

Zhu nodded as he gently blew the tea before handing it to her


Her fingers reached for the handle of the warm cup as she took a sip

"When I first arrived here, I immediately looked for you" zhu said recalling what took place. "I went to your room, to wake you up of course... but you didn't seem well..." he said as his eyes shifted nervously and his gaze became soft

"So I left you here to sleep..."

"Did you perhaps... do anything last night?"

Zhu didn't know about Y/N's partnership with yelan so she couldn't say that... she herself couldn't figure out why she woke up in such a state. The events of the night before she was still trying to recall

"You were crying..."

Zhu's words were gentle and filled with concern. He would be lying if he said he wasn't scared, he was. For now he won't admit that, he doesn't plan on doing that

"I think you were having a nightmare..."

"And it definitely wasn't a surface level one"

A nightmare...


That's why...

S/ shorter chapter, will be posting another one later

Beyond Work Hours | Yelan x FReader | Genshin Impact FanficUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum