The Process |13|

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Night time

Liyue’s lights shine bright at night. Yellow, artificial lights

Yet the further you stray from the harbor the brighter the moon glows. Most people don’t really notice the feeling of the wild at night. The bustle is in the harbor, so why bother to look at the moon and stars while the wind sings?

Yeah that’s what I thought, but to me, as beautiful as these were. It was only poignant to me.

The wind felt as if it was carrying a cry, a cry of my own. Many years ago, something I rather leave behind. I rather not dwell on it. This morning already gave me a headache, this night might add on to it

“Hey, Y/N, you alright?” A male voice, stern yet gentle called to me

I snapped out of my thoughts, facing up in front of me

Yeah that’s right, we’re here. At the location…

“I’m fine, sorry about that” I replied shortly, clearing my head

Tonight was different. Instead of staying in my cozy office, spending hours on paperwork, I would be out, doing field work. We were currently on the side of a mountain, on the empty side of a cave opposite of where the target was

Yelan had been stressed a lot lately, all she told me was there was this big case in her hands. Which was also her explanation for the encounter the other day. When she was working out in broad daylight, tired. It was odd of Yelan considering she preferred to take work at a steady pace, and take naps in the morning.

Turns out this was a fauti related case, in a general scope it was basically the fatui trying to build an illegal underground base in Liyue. There are a lot of details to this, and a lot of mini minor problems. One irritating factor has to do with certain people. Especially  why the reason the fatui are able to do this, is cause some people have been funding them, with the promise that the fatui will get rid of their enemy

Basically these people are a governmental party, hoping to overthrow the current heads of the Liyue Qixing, especially lady ningguang. One of the other heads, and his party plan to get rid of her. As they weren’t pleased with her current ruling… using their connections, they help in the building and investment of the fatui base

As of now the only official fatui structure that is legally allowed is the Northland bank. Technically it’s a bank of snezhnaya, but it is staffed by the fatui so it’s quite an argued point

But how did this become in the first place?

That’s what Yelan wants me to do for tonight. There’s a meeting being held by one of these officials and some fatui, at a temporary base. We aren’t quite sure how this interaction between the party and the fatui started, but as of now it’s more important we know where they are.

“You remember the plan?” The male voice spoke once more. He was one of Yelan henchmen. He never gave me a name to address him by, he said all that matters is he knows who I am.  That my safety is his priority mostly

“Yes, you enter once I’m in position” I told him, as I made my way sneaking in to position

My male co-worker put on his outfit as he went to the other end of the cave, which was filled with fatui guards. Well luckily for him he was dressed like one.

The plan was simply to gather information, he’d grab any physical evidence that could be found. While I listened in on the meeting, gathering any information mentioned there.

Beforehand there were areas that were set for me to stay in for the night as I listened in on the conversation

After a couple minutes of settling in, I was in position. I looked up at a bird that was flying up in the sky, and made a bird call. The bird echoed my call signaling the male to enter

Phase 1: infiltration

Getting past the guards and identification is quite difficult, if you weren’t experienced in the field. I was not aware as to what he had to say, or what preparation he had done beforehand.

The entire process passed by easily, he looked like a fatui so older, and acted as one. You could mistaken him for the tsaritsa’s right hand man

Phase 2: Await and investigate

Now we had to wait for our special guests to arrive, in the meantime the man inside will steal any evidence he can. Maps, plans, photographs, etc.

The meeting itself is expecting a representative for the party, not a member themselves. Yelan called this ‘playing it safe’. If somehow we can get details on this representative we could trace them. As well as trace the party wishing to get rid of ningguang

After 30 minutes, a cloaked figure arrived at the front of the cave. As they passed into the meeting location, I noted down some features to help identify this person.

Male, old, perhaps in his mid 50s, slicked back hair, that was partially gray, roughly 5’8-5’10, strained voice, maybe a smoker.

I wrote all of these down and took out a separate file with pictures of all the Liyue Qixing officials… as suspected, he’s only a representative of the party, not actually someone from inside the Qixing

Phase 3: Gather

From when the meeting starts to its end, I’ll be hiding in my little cave shoot. I had drugs, to keep me awake if ever the meeting lasted long.

I listened on to all the details. Listing down information that could serve useful. Any malicious plans they could have.

Phase 4: escape

This is the part that took some time, but nonetheless it’s pretty self explanatory.

At the end of the day

It was the start of the next

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