First Night |8|

399 16 11

TW/ Blood, Cut

Time had passed since her shift at the dock started. It was nearing the end of her hours. She was finishing up one last arrival. It was nearly half past 5. Meaning her first night with Yela-

Ehem , Miss Yelan...

Would begin. Yelan had told you ahead of time that because she didn't have anyone doing all the assistant work, there was a bunch of workload that you would immediately meet.

What your associate told you sent a bunch of worries. And considering her field of work, it was gonna be well, a lot. Although you reassured yourself that you could probably handle it. Yelan herself said you had the qualities possessed for the job. It probably just first day jitters

As a precaution, Y/N was planning to get of her shift a bit earlier and cut the overworking stuff.

At least you had a head up, right?

Time skip


So wrong

That little heads up, did not amount to the workload you had to do. Oh no no no, this may be a bit out of your control

When you first entered the office, you couldn't see much, but then the light of the moon seeped into the room, illuminating it. There was a lot going on in the room, it was quite big

You looked over at the desk, it was flooding, with folders filled with documents. You didn't even have the time to appreciate the beautiful office. The beautiful wooden arches, the blue velvet finishing's, the elegant in the state of nature paintings, the dim light fixtures. It was covered, with all these papers, dust, cobwebs, and a whole lot of office supplies. It looked like a haunted house, consumed with the spirit of the dead over worker.


YN placed her hand on her seat, swiping off some of the dust, sitting down. She held out her hand, grabbing pad paper and a pen. She started drawing a table, labeling each one differently. She was planning on organizing everything before working on them.

30 minutes pass by and she was ready to start the hard work. Luckily most of it was all light work, and was quite easy to get done. It was just like regular paper work, except in its context. Most of the data consists of certain locations, and detailed information on certain people. Although Y/N couldn't help but sneeze every now and then. The place was dusty, abandon of some sort. 

When she first arrived, it was looked like something bad happened. Like a heated argument, Most of the papers were scattered as if they were thrown out of anger. The lamp on laid on the ground broken, with shards of glass. A lot of the stuff look like they've been broken and thrown, even the pillows and cushions had their feathers out. She didn't notice these things at first, but once she resolved all her wok it became much clearer, how wrecked her new office was

3 hours had passed, and she decided to clean up the place. Picking up a broom, she went and started sweeping. She didn't have much plans aside from work, but because the work was easy (much to the amount she had) she decided to clean up a bit. This was gonna be her office from now, might as well make herself comfy.

The wind blew the entire night, as the curtains drifted along with it. While fixing the office, she saw a picture on the ground. Y/N tried to pick it up, but she didn't notice the shard of glass around it, cutting herself by accident.

it was a pretty deep cut, the blood was spilli-

*knock knock*

Y/N turned her head quickly to the door.  A knock?

"How's work doing for you?" she smirked

It was Yelan

The woman opened the door, and stepped into the gloomy office. She didn't except to see you still working, but it wasn't like she didn't enjoy seeing you every now and then.

Y/N stood up from the ground looking at her boss.

"Not too bad, compared to the state of this office, ma'am" 

Yelan chuckles a little at her commented

"hehe, apologies, this is all I can give you for now"

"no worries I don't mind, the abandon charm speaks to me, you know?" Y/N said looking at Yelan with a playful look, sarcastically speaking. "Ill just have to manage"

"Just make yourself at home" She looked around, its been a long while since she has been in this room... She rather not enter, but she wanted to check on you. As much as she preferred not being near the room. It looked nicer this time around, cause of your cleaning. "You're already done with the work?" she said curiously


"That quick?"

"Ma'am yes ma'am"

"Heh, you'll make a great emplo-" her eyes squinted ad she quickly cut her self up"

"What happened?!" In a blink Yelan was now in front on Y/N on her knees, with her hand lifting hers "You didn't tell me, you cut yourself, you need to be careful" She said in a stern concerned voice, taking out a napkin and gently dapping the cut.

Y/N was just in shock?

"It really not that bad I can treat it myself" she said to Yelan

*sigh* she got up "Its deep, make sure you clean it very well, and wrap it likewise"

"Understood, no need to worry"

"Anyways good job with today, ill see you again tomorrow" Yelan said going to the door "No need to take the work to seriously" And with that she left

Y/N just stared at the door, she felt, well... idk

She just looked at her hand watching the blood seep out.  With the light blue napkin of Yelan absorbing some of the blood. She didn't know what to feel, she didn't know what she felt, but the sight of the napkin over her hand brought a smile to her face. 

A smile that seemed brighter than the light of the moon spread within the room

What an interesting first night...


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