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"Why did you drug her?" Wriothesley made his way into Neuvillette's office unannounced. "Did being the Iudex of the court of Fontaine teach you nothing? What happened to that so called justice of yours? The ideals you broke and formed relationships over, the mindset that couldn't be swayed, that's why you're here in the first place."

"You know I had just as good a reason as anyone else, and please refrain from barging into my office unannounced." The hydro dragon calmly responded. "If I hadn't drugged her she would've most likely won that duel, as much as I have faith I Clorinde's abilities, you know it too."

"That girl was already suffering from the loss of a loved one, and here you are stepping on her while she's down." Wriothesley scoffed. "I didn't think you were the type of person."

"I'm not, that will be the first and last time something like that has to happen again. It was either this, or dealing with the immense backlash, I can guess which one you would choose too." The white haired male explained.

"The people of Fontaine will start speculating in why Y/n passed out just as the duel started."

"That is exactly why I have releaved the truth about the massacre, how the researchers were kidnapping vision holders and pinning it on the serial disappearances case. The people will understand where Y/n's frustration was coming from and build up their own reasons on why she passed out by themselves." The Iudex speculated.

"This whole stunt of yours truly surprised me but I understand what your intentions were. Everything you do is for the good of Fontaine." The Duke crossed his arms with a sarcastic huff,"and you call humans confusing."

You woke up in a joyful mood, something you haven't felt in too long. After realising you could head down to the cafeteria today, you got up to pry at your door to check if it was locked.

It surprised you when it easily slipped open, making an awfully loud creaking sound as it moved. Turns out the door was never locked in the first place, at least not after the Duke visited you. Maybe he felt all too bad to lock the door right after that personal conversation. You felt closer to him.

A short smile crept onto your face before it quickly disappeared, this was your first time walking around such a big area in days, and you desperately wanted to stretch your legs.

You took a long time making your way towards your destination for you were too busy admiring the structure and build of the fortress of Meropide. Many things caught your eye, and you couldn't help but explore a little before you finally found yourself face to face with the cafeteria you've been looking for.

Approaching a man stood behind the counter, you asked for a meal. He explained to you you'd get one meal for free each day, whatever you got was completely random.

You accepted the small box you were given and made your way towards an empty table then sat down.

You noticed there was one other prisoner sat on a different table, staring with a disgusted face at his meal for the day.

The man got up and walked over to the guy serving the food who was stood behind a counter, you just learned his name was "Wolsey, are you trying to kill me?!" The convict slammed his hands on the counter. "I get one meal and this is what you provide for me?"

"It's all random, you know it, I know it, we all know it." Wolsey replied. "If you don't like what you're given, then how about you get off your ass and work like the rest of us?" It seemed he was quite experienced in dealing with people like him, you almost forgot this was a prison.

"Tch, just you wait." The enraged convict marched away, then you realised he was walking towards you. "Hey you, give me your welfare meal."

Looking up from your table, you glared at the guy as if he'd just said the most disrespectful thing you can say to a person. "Excuse me?"

"Are you deaf? I said give me your meal." He commanded.

"I don't take orders-"

"This isn't an order, it's a threat." He barked.

This guy had pissed you off to a whole new level, only a second ago did you feel the happiest you'd been in a while and here some asshole comes along a ruins it. You woke up full of joy, it had been less than an hour and suddenly your ready to commit another murder. Letting out a shaky sigh in attempt to calm yourself, you abruptly stood up from your seat.

"Don't think I'm letting you leave just like that-"

Raising your hand, you used the back of it to slap the convict across the face. "Never talk to me like that again, you hear me?" However it seemed you'd used a bit more strength than you intended because now people were carrying him to Sigewinnie's infirmary.

"Y/n for the love of God." Wriothesley pinched his temples. "I let you out for one day and you've already broken a man's jaw."

Here you were sat on a visitor's chair in Wriothesley's office on the other side of his desk. "Okay I admit it, but he made me angry. I couldn't help but give him a little push but I used a bit more strength than I realised."

The man sighed,"what did he do anyway?"

"He tried to replace his welfare meal with mine because he didn't like what he got." You irked.

"I have a feeling I know who it is." An annoyed expression crept its way onto Wriothesley's face too, it seemed he's had past issues with the same person. "I'll make sure to go and have a nice little chat with him while he's in the infirmary. It would be a lot easier to scold him when he can't talk."

"Oh? In that case you should be thanking me." You snickered.

"I'll consider it." The Duke joked alongside you.

"Now about that room-" You brought it up.

"No." He instantly declined.

A never seen before look of shock appeared on your face, that was enough for the Duke to let out a few small chuckles before continuing. "Relax, I was only kidding. I can show you where you'll be staying now if you want, but only after I introduce something to you."

"What is it?"

"Since you like fighting so much, and you obviously have a talent for it, I would like to show you a great way to make money and show off at the same time. I go there sometimes myself when I'm bored, gotta love the entertainment." He got up from his seat. "Let me show you."

MASSACRE | Wriothesley x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now