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"Y/n L/n you are charged with the mass killing of thirty-three Fontanian researchers, if you have no objections let us proceed with the trial." Neuvillette stated.

"Actually, I would like to defend my honour with a fight against a duellist." You boldly declared, and chatter erupts within the audience.

"Is she insane?"

"Does she have a death wish?"

"What if she actually wins?"

"She sounds pretty confident."

"She already committed mass murder, what more can she do than to either go to prison or die fighting?"

"She's killed all those people, she might actually win."

"Are you sure with this Y/n?" The Iudex was quite unfazed by your declaration. "There's a high chance you will be killed during the battle, and if you lose, you will be declared guilty by the oratrice."

"I wouldn't bring it up in the first place if I didn't want to do it." You retorted. "Hurry up, we don't have all day."

"Very well." He hummed, "Clorinde, our champion duelist will battle you."

"The champion duelist?" A crowd member commented.

"I can't wait to watch that." Another spoke.

Many people from the crowd began voicing their thoughts, and soon Neuvillette had to step in.

"Silence." He commanded, tapping his cane on the ground. "Clorinde you may come out now."

The famous dark haired duelist emerged from a seat in the crowd and began to walk on stage.

"I will gladly put this killer to death." She spoke, striding elegantly onto the stage.

"Death is not necessary, leave her alive if you win the duel." The Iudex ordered.

"Yes sir," Clorinde pointed out her electro infused sword in your direction
"Y/n L/n unsheathe your weapon and come forth."

Taking out your sword, you got into your fighting stance and waiting for a signal to start.

"The battle will commence in three..." Neuvillette started counting down. "Two," he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. "One."

The second he finished, you felt a sharp pain emerge inside your head. An unusually strong headache.

Was I drugged? You instantly thought. But I haven't- and then it hit you. The water you were given right before Wriothesley brought you to the court room.

That bastard.

Your vision grew blurry as you saw Clorinde charge towards you. Wobbling slightly, on instinct, you brought up your sword to barely block the attack. The sheer strength caused you to stumble backwards, ultimately leading you to fall onto the floor, signaling your defeat.

Clorinde pointed her iron-sting to your throat as she stared down at you with a confused expression. "You've lost, Y/n."

You were too dizzy to even reply to her, you were currently fighting something much stronger than the woman standing before you. Trying to stay conscious.

The entire world spun and you felt like throwing up, people in the crowd spoke with nothing but disappointment. The humiliation you were exposed to was a killer, but your mind was too busy with its own problems to care.

You could barely make out what was bring discussed other than the words.

"According to the judgement of the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale, Y/n L/n is herby declared guilty."

You woke up in a prison cell, that's right, a prison cell. The bed you were laying on was probably better quality than your previous one, but the room was awfully dull, and how good is a good bed if you're in jail?

Rusted metal walls exposed to water for too long, metals floors, metals roofs, metal bars, everything was made of metal.

As the events of your court case came back to you, your face reddened in humiliation. A strong wave of fury engulfed you, curses fluently escaped from your lips, and terrible deeds entered your mind.

Wriothesley had drugged you, practically forcing you to lose the duel.

Just as you were about to scream in frustration, you heard footsteps approach your cell.

"Hello Y/n, I'm Sigewinnie." A small girl carrying a tray of food with a cup of water on it strode up to the bars of your cell. "I'm here to provide you with your meal for the day."

"What's the deal?" You glared at her,"why am I locked in a cell, I'm meant to be able to roam around as I please."

"Duke Wriothesley ordered you were to be put in a cell for the first two weeks of your staying here." The girl slid into your cell. "He said he didn't want you to wake up and start causing problems."

You sucked your teeth in response, anger kept rising up inside you. "I wonder why." You mumbled under you breath.

Although you could've left there and then, you realise she locked the door as she came in, you guessed she just wanted to hand you the food personally and you weren't about to hurt a child for her kindness, if you did you'd probably be cornered with hundreds of guards.

"Bye bye for now," the girl smiled, she left as quickly as she came.

A deafening silence filled the room as you tried let all your anger calm down and pass over. It didn't work.

You tried to think about what made you happy, like your brother, but that only brought you up the the current situation you were in now. Nothing worked.

In attempt to distract yourself you let your eyes wander around the room, and soon you caught sight of the food you were left and the cup of water that came along with it. The cup of water.

Blood coursed through your veins then suddenly you could no longer hold in your rage. You smacked the cup of water away, spilling it all over the floor as you mustered up the strength to grab your tray of food and fling it against the iron cell bars. Once the tray fell to the ground it revealed a deep dent in the bars.

You sighed at the relief of calming yourself down and soon your anger turned into sadness. You felt completely hopeless with your brother gone, taking a humiliating defeat in front of the whole of Fontaine, to top it all off you were currently imprisoned inside of a prison.

You completely failed to live your life in your brother's place, and that's what hurt the most.

MASSACRE | Wriothesley x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now