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You swallowed a lump in your throat as the atmosphere grew tense. The harbinger didn't take his eyes off of you, not even for a second.

"Well? What's it gonna be?" He questioned. "How do you know who I am? Are you part of the fatui?"

Silence. You didn't answer him. Not wanting to lie to somehow as powerful as him, no, not being able to lie. His presence was so intimidating you couldn't bring yourself to say anything but the truth. So, you didn't say anything at all.

If he found out who you really were, your escape from the fatui, who knows what he would do, and you definitely wouldn't be able to beat him in a fight. You knew the fatui were looking for you, they wanted you back, and if Tartaglia felt kind enough he might just finish the job for them.

"Silence wont save you." He spoke again, snapping you out of your thoughts. "I'll ask you one last time, who are you?"

A bead of sweat cascaded down the side of your face as you weighed your options. The reality was, you didn't even have an option. It was either face the consequences of not giving the harbinger what he wanted, or risk getting kidnapped and taken back to that god awful facility.

"Five." He began counting, "four... three... two... on-"

"I'm an escapee." You let out a heavy breath. "I was kept in the experimentation camp owned by the second harbinger, and I escaped."

"Oh? So you're the one they've been looking for? I think I remember visiting that place once, it was so inhumane I couldn't stand it." His voice held a disgusted tone to it. "You have a brother too, no? Is he here?"

"No..." After the harbinger expressed his distaste for the facility run by his colleague your body loosened up, but the mention of your brother instantly killed the atmosphere.

The ginger noticed the shift in mood and grew hesitant to continue questioning you about him. "Oh, I see. But relax a little I wont bring you back to the second, he and I have never been on good terms anyway." He backed away from you, giving you your personal space back.

"I see, why is someone like you down here?" You asked.

"Someone like me?"

"A harbing-"

"Shhhh." The ginger quickly went up to you and put his hand over your mouth, just as two convicts walked by, giving you both strange looks.

You furrowed your eyebrows at the man in front of you and quickly pushed him off. "Don't do that, people are going to get the wrong idea."

The guy just shrugged at you. "You almost got me caught, I'd prefer people got the wrong idea instead of them finding out who I actually am."

"Well that's you." You crossed your arms. "Now answer my question, what are you doing here?"

"I was arrested..." Tartaglia sheepishly chuckled, scratching the back of his head.

"To be fair, I'm not all that surprised." You admitted.

"Hey." He sounded partially offended, "I'll have you know it was a false charge, I didn't do anything, really."

"Really?" For some reason his story sounded awfully familiar to yours. In your case, you were drugged. "What made it a false charge?"

"The Oratrice declared me as guilty even though I was proven to be innocent, but since the Oratrice is the law they had no choice but to arrest me."

"That's... not possible." You gave him a suspicious look.

"Well it happened, what else would you like me to say?" The ginger male shrugged. "Even Neuvillette was confused, and it was clear the hydro archon, Focalors, didn't have a clue either.

"Strange, I didn't think you of all people would just sit down and take that false charge."

"I did not." He corrected you.

"So, why are you here?" You questioned.




"You lost didn't you."

"Listen, it happened while I was preparing myself to use my delusion, otherwise I never would've been captured." He blurted out, not wanting to look weak.

"Now you're making excuses?" You raised an eyebrow, completely forgetting you were talking to a harbinger due to his relaxed demeanour.

"Am not." Tartaglia scoffed.

"Yes, you are."

"Whatever." He caved in. "Why are you here?"

"It's a long story." You brushed off his question.

"Is that really all you're going to tell me?"

"Yes." You admitted.

"And right after I told you my embarrassing story, I can't believe that happened in front of the whole of Fontaine, the second I get out of here I'm requesting a rematch." The ginger complained, by how similar your stories were you decided to share a part of yours too.

"Me too actually..." You replied.

"Wait really?" He asked, "it happened to you too?"

"Yeah, I was captured by the Duke and brought to the court for a trial. Though it seems a certain someone knew I was going to defend my honour in a duel and drugged me right before the battle." You spat, "it was so humiliating, falling flat after one blow in front of the entire crowd, I should get a rematch too."

"You were drugged?" His eyebrows furrowed, though he didn't question it any more. "Well at least you have an actual excuse, I have none, especially for someone of my reputation and status."

"Fair enough, that kinda did make me feel just a bit better." You laughed.

"Just a bit?" Tartaglia judged. "You're laughing tho."

"Okay, fine it made me feel better, happy?" You rolled your eyes playfully.

"Yes." He smiled at you.

Letting out a small snicker, Childe did too, then not long after the two of you actually started laughing. Though the moment was short lived since it was soon interrupted by a certain someone.

"Y/n, I've been looking all over for you." A masculine voice called out, as you heard footsteps approach you.

Tartaglia instantly stopped laughing, prompting you to stop too and look at who was calling out for you. Turning your head you were greeting with Wriothesley practically right in front of your face with a visibly bitter smile.

"Y-Your Grace." He startled you so much you began stuttering. "You really scared me there." You sheepishly laughed it off.

"Did I?" He let out a short laugh too, "since when did you start calling me "Your Grace" hm?"

"It was a slip of the tongue, really Wriothesley." You spoke, though you were still quite angry about the fact he was hanging around with Clorinde. Every time you thought about Wriothesley all you could hear was him saying "let's head somewhere more secluded" and it irked you.

"Is that so?... By the way Y/n, who is this?" The black haired male completely changed the topic.

"He's just a fellow convict I befriended not too long ago." You answered.

Childe laughed nervously in the background.

"I didn't even know you got released from the infirmary until I saw you, why didn't you come see me?" The black haired male inquired.

"Because you were busy." You replied, refusing to elaborate any further.

"I was?" Wriothesley shrugged, "when?"

"Who knows." You sighed, "I'm supposed to introduce my new friend to Céline now, so if you'll excuse us." You grabbed the ginger's wrist and dragged him away, obviously not in the mood to converse with the Duke.

 All the while Wriothesley stood there mixed with great confusion, and anger. Not angry at you, but the man next to you.

Author note: it's getting spicy 🙈🙈

MASSACRE | Wriothesley x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora