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"Welcome to the Pankration Ring." Wriothesley proudly announced. Once the two of you walked into the building, many convicts all stopped what they were doing to stare.

"A fighting ring?" You scoffed with an undeliable smirk on your face. "You know me too well."

"Who would've thought we had so much in common." He joked.

"Care for a match." You proposed.

"Not today I'm afraid," the black haired male declined. "I have a lot of work to finish, let me show you to your new room and I'll be on my way."

"It sounds like to me that you're scared I'll humiliate you in front of all your people." You teased, walking along with him as he led you to the elevator.

"But that's not what the issue is here, I just don't want to embarrass you in front of a big crowd once again." The Duke remarked, as the two of you waited once the doors shut tight and the elevator began to move up.

His comment earned a glare from you, which prompted him to laugh sarcastically.

"How typical of you, I almost feel bad you're always going to have to resort to some underhand tactics to win against me." You harshly elbowed his ribcage, laughing sarcastically along with him.

"Your elbow hurts you know." He spoke, though his actions said otherwise because he didn't even flinch, no, his face looked as if he was trying to hold in a laugh. The elevator doors opened and the two of you continued to walk towards the rooms.

"Haha very funny." You deadpanned. "It wasn't meant to hurt anyways." You mumbled, as a light shade of pink crept onto your cheeks.

"Are you sure?" Wriothesley stopped slightly ahead to lean over you,"because you look a bit embarrassed." He pointed out the redness on your face.

"Just shut up." You rolled you eyes, pushing him away from you and walking off.

"I still need to show you where your room is." He called after you.

"I said shut up." You responded, now you were the one walking in front of him and you had no idea what you were doing.

"Alright then, lead the way Miss L/n"

Wriothesley enjoyed watching you slow down your pace to decide which corner to turn, trying to find some sort of sign that hinted where you needed to go.

Soon enough, the two of you found yourselves in the infirmary.

You facepalmed at the sight, already knowing you looked like an absolute fool in front of the Duke, you were ready for all the comments he was about to make.

"I needed to stop by here, thanks for saving me the time." The black haired male ruffled your hair. "And it looks like our friend here is already awake." He made his way towards the guy you previously hit.

You stepped back and leaned against the door way crossing your arms, you didn't want to join in to whatever conversation they were about to have.

"So," Wriothesley cleared his throat. "Julien, I heard you've been causing trouble in the cafeteria again."

Julien shook his head in denial, but unfortunately he couldn't speak to plead his case and the Duke found this very amusing.

"I take that as a yes? Great, it seems we're both on the same page." He smiled. "I just knew you'd come around." The black haired male patted his shoulder. "Now about that punishment of yours."

The mention of a punishment caused Julien to shake his head even more, a horrified expression formed on his face.

"I think we both know I warned you about this matter the last time this happened, and you've gone and done it again." Wriothesley irked. "You know I hate it when people disobey my orders."

Julien sat up straight from the bed he was laying on and frantically moved his hands, pleading almost to tell the Duke he was sorry.

"What was that?" The black haired male asked. "Oh I apologise, I don't quite understand what you're doing. But I know exactly what should happen here, you're going to have to pay for your own welfare meals for the next month, you will not be given a free one until that time period is over." Wriothesley announced, makind towards the exit.

Julien put his hands in a pleading motion as he begged using hums instead of words. A face full of shock and regret covered his features while he watched the Duke walk past you, hinting you to follow him.

"Don't you think an entire month is a bit harsh?" You questioned, tailing him.

"Nah, he'll be fine." The guy shrugged. "Julien hasn't been working often, he just lays about and does nothing but we still have to feed him. This will be a good way to get him in the habit. Besides, if he's ever on the brink of death due to starvation we'll just feed him the worst thing on the menu."

"Ah I see." You hummed. "Where are we?" Wriothesley stopped right in front of a door."

"This is the room you'll be staying in, I hope you've memorised the route here." He informed you. "I have to go now, there's still a lot of work to be done. I've been putting it off for you."

His words made you feel special, and you liked the idea of someone putting things aside for you, it made you feel welcomed. You smiled at his words then replied with a, "thank you, for today I mean."

"No problem, if you need anything else, just come see me. I'll be in my office... probably." And with that, the black haired male waved then walked off, leaving you alone once more.

It had been two seconds and you were already missing his presence. You rolled your eyes at the thoughts you were thinking.

"Since when did I want his company?" You huffed, opening the door to the room you'd be staying in for who knows how long.

It was a normal room, bigger than your cell of course but still normal. Albeit there was one thing that didn't change, everything was made of metal.

You found it comical that so many people have been in and out of this place yet not one person decided to switch things up a bit and paint the walls. Not that it bothered you that much.

Walking over to your bed, you laid down on a mattress even comfier than your previous one if that was possible. Inhaling the smell of the freshly washed bedsheets, you let out a sigh of satisfaction.

Maybe you could get used to prison life after all.

MASSACRE | Wriothesley x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant