All good and important messages. But none from him. None from Pablo. Pablo is missing again, no one can find him and he hasn't been online since this morning. The four of us were supposed to meet at Pedri's house at 12:00, but he didn't show up. 

It feels strange, maybe he overslept? No, because he was still online at 8 am. Maybe he got into an accident? Then we would have known that by now. Maybe he was kidnapped? That could be possible, but very unlikely. Maybe he just doesn't care. That's the most likely. Pedri already said that Pablo always runs away from feelings. 

Maybe this is a signal: please never come back.

I sigh and fasten my seat belt. 'Posture Nina.' Nicole says. 'Sorry what did you say?' I ask. 'Sit up straight.' Nicole tells me in a very cold voice. I sigh deeply, can't she leave me alone for one second? I quickly straighten my back and then Lily comes into the car. 

'Finally.' Nicole says. 'Have you all waved at your boyfriends and girlfriend so we can finally go?' she says it derogatorily and Lily doesn't even respond. Nicole doesn't need her answer because the driver has already started driving. 

'Have you heard from him yet?' Lily whispers. I shake my head.
'Dickhead.' Lily curses. 

It's strange, my last two days with Pablo were perfect. Going to the beach, eating out, lying on the couch. We've gone on almost every date there is and he hasn't missed a single training day. While he trained I packed up and after we were together again. We hardly slept at all, just doing as many things as possible together. 

This morning I left his house at 7am while he was still asleep to pack the last of my things and the night before we agreed to be at Pedri's at 12pm sharp. It is now 1:00 PM and he has not said anything. 

'What do you think will happen next? Between you and Pedri.' I ask softly. Lily shrugs. 'No idea. Long distance? We'll see. It will probably end after like a month.' she says. She says it loosely as if it is nothing, but I can see in her face that she is breaking down. 

'I just wish all those career opportunities were here instead of in New York.' she whispers in her softest voice. 'Me, too.' I say and take her hand. At least we have each other. 

'Okay girls, the first thing we're going to do when we get to New York is get a contraceptive IUD installed.' Lil's eyes widen. 'EXCUSE ME?!' she exclaims. 'You don't mean one of those things in your arm that makes you no longer able to get pregnant, do you?' Nicole lets out a deep sigh. 

'Nice and dramatic again, Mrs. Solis. And yes, that's what I meant. Do you have any idea what it would do to your career if you became pregnant?' I clench my fists. Does this woman really think she can just impose that on us? Without consultation? Again. 

'Do you know what side effects that thing has! I won't let something like that be installed for any price. Never in my life.' Lily says. She is angry and her eyes are spitting fire. 'Listen ladies, this is for your own good. You want to become models, right?' Lily looks at me helplessly. 

'Nicole, we need to think about this for a moment. Taking the pill is enough anyway and Lily and I are sensible enough to use condoms and things like that.' I say trying to contain my anger. 'The contraceptive IUD is the most reliable and many shows and agencies believe that it should be a recuirement.'

'Too bad Nicole, I'll never take it. Whatever you're gonna say to me.'
'It's for your own good and you have no choice Lily. End of discussion, we will discuss this further with your agents.' Nicole says firmly. 'But Nico-'
'Enough. you too Nina.' Nicole says sternly. 

It becomes quiet again in the taxi and Lily looks at me furiously. How dare she impose such a thing on us? I look straight into her bleached head and feel like ripping everything out of her head. 

I'm your Angel | Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now