who still love each other

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hey, fucker.

um.. you-fucker* actually.

cut the crap. i've got something important to ask.

can't cut you, babe. you're not here.

I'll suggest better, cut your dick, that might suffice.

um, with your teeth?

oh fuck off, ayaan. i really need to talk about something important!

i'm not dating her.


that was not what i wanted to know, but yk 

just out of curiosity, who was she then?

aww, someone's jealous?

you don't get jealous of your ex's potential new gurl, miss. heartbreaker.

it's called being curious, you fucker!

you missed the hyphen, baby. 'you-fucker.' 

actually you should write, me-fucker instead, makes more sense.

this is the reason why i broke up with you, your puns are a potential killer.

and there she goes, scraping my heart again.

cut the crap, who was she?

why do you wanna know?

curiosity, yk I'm like a cat when I'm curious.

well, i do hate you but not enough to kill you.

she's my mother's potential daughter-in-law.


you there?


are you marrying her?

don't want to

well, i met a guy too, fucker. 


and.. i did not ask.

you were here to talk about something important, so talk.

i rejected him.

god must love him to save him from you.

are you trying to be funny? 


anyway, my mother's showing me millions of bio-data.

so is mine. and must i admit, the girls are pretty hot actually.

what a shame for such hot girls to get your biodata.

well, i can't give everyone my dick, sweetheart. you won't like it.

they won't, either.

but you did.

can we get to the real problem at hand? 

look, i do have a solution, that you might not like.

spit it.

marry me.


it's convenient.


then, give some other solution.


we're exes, Ayaan.

who still love each other.

i don't.


i'm serious, i don't.


this is annoying. you know why i broke up with you.

and i told you then too, i'm ready to live with it all if i get to live with you.

but, i hurt you that day. i can do it again. i don't want to.

you didn't hurt me that day, you can't hurt me ever.

i'm bipolar. and, i have anger issues.

you're a package of different personalities, that's the most amazing thing about you. 

and that little nose of yours looks gorgeous when it gets fuming red

shut up.

yk, i'm still in therapy, right?

and yk, i'm still in love with you, right?

 you there?


15 minutes later

open the door.

go away.


fuck you, me-fucker.

open the door and you will.

if you liked the text snippet of Ayaan and Nishi, grab their part two, named exclusive premium membership under the same theme of Text Encounters! <3

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if you liked the text snippet of Ayaan and Nishi, grab their part two, named exclusive premium membership under the same theme of Text Encounters! <3

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