The Teacher's Pet

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Maheep wasn't the one to be called a teacher's pet, and that fact could be verified by the class topper, Likhita who was a victim and the owner of the name "Teacher's Pet"

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Maheep wasn't the one to be called a teacher's pet, and that fact could be verified by the class topper, Likhita who was a victim and the owner of the name "Teacher's Pet". Obviously, she got it from our dear not-so-teacher's pet, Maheep. If we had to define Maheep, calling her an average student and an outstanding book lover would be the apt names for her. It sounded quite contrasting, right? Well, there again it was Maheep, she possessed two different personalities dwelling inside her simultaneously. The only disadvantage for her was that only one of her personalities dominated over the other at a time. For instance, whenever she wanted to top the class academics her bibliophilia would sit at a corner turning its back on her and giving her a wicked smile by not coming close to her, and whenever she wanted to sleep instead of reading a novel at 2 AM, it would grasp her shoulders and hug her quite tightly for her own good.

But, then why was Likhita calling her a Teacher's Pet today? Had the tables turned or had the two personalities of Maheep finally made peace with each other and shown up together? Well, the answer to all the questions lingered only in a word. Just one word. Or to put it better, in a name. Karthik.

Karthik, the topper and class prefect of 10-A, and Maheep's first love. To sum up their cute little yet non-existent story, Karthik and Maheep were kindergarten friends and both of their mothers happened to be each other's best friends since their own highschool, something that only worked to Maheep's advantage. It was once when in the second standard, Karthik had put up a fight in front of an eighth grader in Maheep's defence, she had developed this teeny tiny cute little crush on him. He had got his nose broken but his heart stolen by her. It didn't take much for that crush to grow, since Karthik was everything she wished for in a guy. The Book Boyfriend Who Came to Life, is the name Maheep had for him. And maybe, she wasn't wrong.

Karthik was a guy who aced school academics, was in the school's competing cricket team, excelled at baking delicious cakes and had a little sister whom he always checked upon during school hours, by going to her class in the recess or in a few free periods of his. He was quirky and witty. He had a group of three guy friends who used to hang out playing PlayStation and Xbox, or cricket and football, and although he had the average looks of an Indian teenager, Maheep liked comparing his face to famous Bollywood actors.

Karthik and Maheep shared an equation of family friends who didn't talk much but just enough to interact amiably, and even though their mothers already had their wedding planned in their heads they never let that awkward thought come between them, well maybe just Karthik, Maheep had concluded because she was already head over heels for her mother's bestfriend's son.

However, the question still remained, Why was she acting like a teacher's pet? How was Karthik actually linked with any of that?

The answer was the Annual Quiz Competition. Karthik was participating in the annual quiz competition, and the class teacher of Maheep's class, 10-B, had announced that whoever was on their best behaviour throughout this month, would get to be in the coordinator's team of the Annual Quiz Competition. Now, that's a job Maheep would have never taken willingly. She hated being instructed and being dominated by her seniors, but any of that didn't matter anymore, now that she was getting two hours to be in the same place as his, somewhere she could just stand and adore him from afar and if she was lucky enough, maybe even talk to him regarding any technicalities and maintenance.

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