Part 5

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In the weeks that followed, the spectral threats intensified. Ram, fueled by bitterness, continued his vendetta against Harry and Elle. Despite their efforts to ward him off, Ram's malevolence grew stronger, casting a shadow over their once joyous encounters.

One fateful evening, as Harry and Elle shared a quiet moment, the room darkened, signaling Ram's ominous presence. This time, he brought with him an otherworldly force that overwhelmed the protective spirits.

Ram's vengeful power struck, leaving Harry weakened and fading. Elle, desperate and defenseless, pleaded with the malevolent ghost, "Stop! Please, don't take him away."

Ram, reveling in his triumph, sneered, "He shouldn't have interfered. Now, he'll be banished to the depths, and you'll be left alone."

As Harry's form wavered, he whispered to Elle, "I'm sorry for bringing this upon you."

With a final, sorrowful look, Harry vanished into the spectral void, leaving Elle alone in the chilling silence. Ram, satisfied with his revenge, disappeared into the ethereal shadows.

Elle, now surrounded by the haunting echoes of their once vibrant friendship, grieved the loss of the ghost who had become an unexpected but cherished part of her life. The room that once held laughter and warmth now felt cold and empty.

As Elle sat alone, tears streaming down her face, the memories of Harry lingered like ghostly whispers. The sad truth echoed through the silent room - some connections, no matter how profound, are destined to be ephemeral, lost in the ethereal realms of existence.

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