Part 4

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As the days passed, Harry and Elle's unlikely friendship deepened. However, trouble loomed on the spectral horizon. Ram, the ghost boy Harry had confronted in the cemetery, harbored resentment and sought revenge.

One gloomy evening, as Elle and Harry chatted by the fireplace, a chilling wind swept through the room. The temperature dropped, and the atmosphere grew tense. Suddenly, Ram materialized in the corner, a sinister grin on his face.

"So, you made some friends, huh, Harry?" Ram sneered, eyeing Elle with malice. "Friends who don't even know you're dead."

Elle, feeling an eerie presence, asked, "Who's this, Harry?"

Harry sighed, "Elle, meet Ram. He's... not the friendliest ghost."

Ram interjected, "I told you, Harry, you'd regret interfering in my business. Now, I'll make you pay."

Elle, sensing the escalating tension, stood her ground. "What do you want from us, Ram?"

Ram chuckled darkly, "I want him gone. Ghosts like him don't belong here. I'll make sure he suffers."

In a flash, Ram conjured spectral energy, aiming it at Harry. Elle, quick-witted, stood between them, shielding Harry from the impending attack. "You won't harm him," she declared defiantly.

Ram, infuriated, intensified his assault, but something unexpected happened. The other ghosts in the room, witnesses to Ram's malevolence, rallied together. Uniting their spectral energy, they repelled Ram, forcing him to retreat with a menacing promise: "This isn't over, Harry."

Elle, still in disbelief at the ghostly confrontation, turned to Harry. "What is happening, Harry?"

With a heavy sigh, Harry explained the complexities of ghostly politics and the grudges that sometimes lingered even in the afterlife. As Elle processed the revelation, she looked at Harry with newfound understanding and determination.

"We won't let him hurt you, Harry. We'll face whatever comes together," Elle vowed, sealing their friendship against the supernatural threats that lay ahead.

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