Special Chapter in my Life

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Scarlett's POV:

I pushed my nervousness aside and got up from my seat to greet Mila. "Yes, it's me Sweetheart", I send her a soft smile and opened my arms for a hug, which the girl immediately accepted wrapping her arms around my waist. Not even a second later she lifted her head and glanced up at me: "What are you doing here?" I chuckled lightly: "Well, we have an appointment, don't we?" I smiled when I saw her eyes widen once more. "You're here to foster me?", she asked in disbelief, and I nodded letting go of the hug. Mila turned around looking at her social worker before sitting down at the table with me.
"So, I assume you already know each other?", the social worker Daniela, who I met on the phone yesterday started. "Yeah, she's the woman I told you about,  the one who picked me up in front of the convention building.", the teen explained. "Oh", Daniela turned to me. "Nice to meet you then, I only heard good things about you.", she smiled and Mila blushed,  looking absolutely adorable. We ordered something to drink and I cleared my throat, turning to the girl who I was hoping to foster.
"Listen sweetheart, as you already know, the reason why I'm here is because I would like to foster you. I have already discussed it with my husband Colin and you're very welcome to stay with us for your exchange year here if you'd like that. Aside from that, I'm sure Rose would be super happy to have a big sister.", I mustered her waiting for a reaction.
"Really?", she asked returning my gaze with big eyes. "Yes, really.", I chuckled. "B-but- don't get me wrong, but with your job and stuff...", the girl asked unsure. "We'll figure something out, don't worry. The important question is if you'd like to live with us. You don't have to decide immediately, I understand if you want to think about it and I'm sure there are other lovely foster families-" "I'd love to!", the girl blurted out surprising both me and Daniela. "I mean if it's really okay", she added sheepishly. I couldn't describe how happy and relieved I was, Colin was right. I made the whole thing more complicated than it actually was. "Of course! I wouldn't suggest it otherwise.", I answered and looked at Daniela waiting for some kind of approval.
Daniela asked Mila if she was sure, and the girl answered with a definite 'yes'. "Well, that was quick", the social worker chuckled. "I don't have the papers ready yet, I didn't expect it to go so well...", the woman apologized. "But I can send them to you, and we can set a date when she will move in." I nodded understandingly, and we agreed that I would pick her up at her aunt's the day after tomorrow. The time passed rather quickly and we continued with the small talk, finished our drinks and said our goodbyes. Mila came over to me and embraced me in a tight hug. "Thank you Scar", she whispered, and I felt my heart melt at the nickname.
Once Daniela had left with the teen I made my way home as well, immediately telling Colin the great news. "See, I told you.", he smiled and hugged me. "Thank you so much, without you I probably wouldn't have even tried it.", I smiled up at him and gave him a peck on the lips which made him chuckle. "Of course, always"

We spend the whole next day to set up the guest room for Mila. I kept the room simple and neat, adding only a few decorations, leaving some space for the girl to customize it herself. As soon as I told my daughter the news, she was immediately super hyped and decided to draw a picture for the teen, pinning it on one of the walls in the teens new room. I had to tell her four times that the girl wasn't coming until tomorrow due to Rose's constant asking about it.

Mila's POV:

I couldn't believe it. It all felt like a dream. Scarlett Johansson, the famous actress, was going to foster me. I was going to live with Scarlett Johansson and her family for a whole year. Never in my life would I have expected this to happen. I mean it had already been crazy to meet her in person that day in front of the convention building. Her taking me to her hotel, letting me come with her and her daughter to the park, cooking a meal for the three of us and watching a movie casually on the couch was even crazier. And now this. I wanted to squeal in joy, before reminding myself I wasn't some cringy fangirl. But let's be honest; who wouldn't react that way if one of your favourite actresses, your comfort person, offered to foster you?
My aunt didn't even bother to greet me when I entered the flat, working on her laptop. During the few days since that I've been in the foster care system, she went through a massive personality change which was honestly scary. She wouldn't even talk to me on rare occasions like eating at the same table, simply ignoring my presence, which was weird at first, but I couldn't care less after knowing that I'd soon live with Nat under a roof.
Walking into my room I pulled the still half packed suitcase from under my bed, packing the rest of my stuff in it, which wasn't really that much, it barely took me 10 minutes to finish packing. My parents called me that day, like always, and I told them that I finally got a foster family and would move in the day after tomorrow, while ignoring the fact with whom exactly.
A whole day later I finally heard the doorbell ring. Taking my suitcase, I went to open the door and was greeted by Scarlett who had a huge smile plastered on her face. she immediately embraced me in a big hug making my heart melt. "Are your ready sweetheart?", she asked excited, reaching out for my suitcase in order to carry it to the car.
I noticed my aunt standing in the hallway, leaning against the wall arms crossed. she slowly walked over to us and hugged me as well, but it felt more like as if she was forced to hug a pig or something. After the 'hug' she looked at Scarlett, who didn't even try to hide the fact how much she hated my aunt for what she had put me through, her smile bitter and cold. The two women stared at each other for a moment before my aunt put on a fake smile and spoke to me with false grief: „I'll miss you so much honey, take care.", she placed her hands on my shoulders and turned to Scarlett. "Thank you so much for looking after my precious niece. It can be quite challenging to look after her with how busy I am with my job.", my aunt stated halfhearted. "Don't worry I'll take good care of her", Scarlett replied and the glaring contest continued until my aunt broke eye contact and turned away leaving me with Scar at the door.
"Shall we?", she asked, and I nodded following her to the car while she occasionally looked back checking if I was catching up. I I decided this was the start of a special chapter in my life.

A/N: Hello everyone, please excuse any grammar mistakes in this chapter, I had to write it on my phone. I also noticed my poor writing in previous chapters when I reread the story. I'll try to fix it if I have time in the future. How do you guys like the story so far? Please let me know... I'm always happy for any kind of feedback. I wish y'all a wonderful time, until next week.

Lots of love: your author

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