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Mila's POV:

The comic convention and my conversation with Scarlett was a week ago already and always sitting in my room, watching some show or being on my phone all day somehow made me miss her company. sure, at that time it was pretty overwhelming but looking back I miss her warm hugs and head kisses. is that weird? after all I'm fifteen, not a toddler. I'm too old for such stuff, right? that's at least what I told myself when I craved any type of affection lol. 

Anyway, today was one of those days where I was close, really close, to just climbing out of the window and just walk into any direction while listening to music. that's what I often did back at home when I just felt like I needed some space, or everything just got too much. But then suddenly my aunt called out for me telling me we were going shopping to a mall with some friend of hers.

A short while after we were at the mall, and I was just walking behind my aunt and her friend while they were chattering and gossiping about all kinds of stuff. The woman was slightly taller than my aunt, a ton make-up on her face. Truth to be told she looked like a pumped-up barbie, never missing an opportunity to show of her expensive jewellery. 

My aunt looked up at her in awe, basically hanging on every word that fell from those thick made-up lips. I bit back a chuckle and rolled my eyes. after some time, I started to feel unwell, suddenly getting painful stomach aches, which disappeared after two minutes or so and came again five minutes later. I nudged my aunt's shoulder and told her I needed to use the bathroom for a moment, and she just replied with a little nod, before going back to chattering with her friend. 

I couldn't wait any longer and went to the toilets. It was when I realised my period had come again and cursed myself for not keeping track on that shit. I panicky looked around in the restroom searching for a pad or tampon. they really should give those products for free. after not finding anything, I stuffed as much toilet paper as I could in my underwear and left the bathroom again. 

I went to buy a pack of pads real quick when I noticed my wallet was in my aunts bag. Cursing myself again I went to the spot where I had left my aunt. As I couldn't spot her or the barbie I started panicking like a child. I pulled out my phone, pacing around in the area calling my aunt. after her combox answered three times I gave up and started searching for her in the near shops. she couldn't be that far, right? 

Well turns out i was wrong. after half an hour of searching I was starting to lose hope. I was lost. feeling my breathing starting to pick up I forced myself to stay calm and called my aunt once again, texting her. that's when I suddenly bumped into something or rather someone, losing my balance and landing painfully on my butt with a thud on the floor.

Scarlett's POV:

I was relieved when I finally was able to go back home after the convention, being immediately greeted by my little girl, hugging my legs. Collin walked up to me and pecked my lips. "Welcome back, love", he greeted me, and I smiled at him. When the three of us sat together on the dinner table, I shared my eventful past days. After dinner I decided to tuck rose in bed, reading her a goodnight story.

The next morning when I went to wake up my little sunshine, I suddenly got an idea. "Rose baby, wake up sunshine", I gently stroked her hair, kissing her head and shaking her awake. "Morning Mommy", rose eventually yawned as she stirred awake. "What do you think about a girls' day today? I thought about going shopping?", rose immediately sat up straight, hugged me and started to cheer. 

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!", she squealed, and I grimaced. "Inside voice baby", I reminded her. "Let's get ready hm?", rose nodded a big grin plastered on her face. I lifted her out of the bed and after we both got dressed and had breakfast we were now in the promised mall. Rose excitedly tugged at my hand and dragged me from one shop to the other. "Look mommy! Her dress is so pretty!", rose tucked at me sleeve and pointed at a barbie with a princess dress. "Yes sunshine, her dress is really pretty" "Can I have her please?", rose begged and put on her big puppy eyes. That little demon knew very well that I couldn't say no if she gave me that look. 

"Baby, you already have barbies at home..." "Pretty pleeeease?", she begged, and I gave in. "Only if you give me a big hug and peck. I missed you princess.", Rose squealed and jumped, hugging me and giving me a big kiss on the cheek, which made me smile and pepper her little adorable face with kisses. My little girl started to giggle und squirmed in my hold. I put her on the floor again and gave her the barbie. We paid and walked out of the shop. I only got recognized a few times, but I was quick enough to turn away. 

When we walked out of the shop I noticed a girl, anxiously starring at her phone while walking in our direction. Before I could dodge her, she had already bumped into me, stumbling backwards, losing her balance and landing with a thud on her behind. Rose let out a gasp: "Mommy, why is the girl bleeding?", I turned to rose then back to the girl. There was indeed blood dripping down her leg. I crouched down and offered her a hand to help her up. 

The girl looked to the floor, her ears getting red, as she took my hand. "I'm really sorry miss, I wasn't watching where I was going.", the girl apologized, eyes still glued to the floor. "It's alright... are you okay though?", I asked, concerned about the blood. The girl lifted her head and opened her mouth to reply when she suddenly grimaced, biting the inside of her cheek, holding her stomach. I placed my hand on her shoulder. 

"Are you in pain? Do you need anything?", I asked, and the girl just shook her head. "I-it should be gone in two minutes or so", she spoke through gritted teeth. My eyes widened. "Are you on your period?", I asked softly. Combining the stomach cramps with the blood running down her leg. "Do you need a pad or tampon? I have one here...", I reached in my bag and pulled out a pad, giving it to her. 

"Thank you so much miss!", the girl took it stuffing it in the pocket of her leather jacket. "No problem, you should always bring one with you though... just in case.", I told her, and she nodded again, looking up to me. That's when my eyes widened. The blue hair, the blue eyes and rather pale skin: "...Mila?!"

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