hot chocolate

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Scarlett's POV:

After the girl left, I got ready for the convention and went to a nearby café where I met up with Lizzie. I was a bit late so lizzie was already sitting at a table in the back. As soon as she saw me, she stood up with a smile and hugged me. "Morning Scar, how are you?", I hugged her back. "I'm fine thank you...", we ordered coffee and croissants and sat a while in silence, my mind somehow always drifted to the girl I had rescued yesterday. 

Lizzie seemed to notice something was on my mind: "What's wrong? Did something happen? You seem pretty distracted...". we sat there for a bit nobody saying anything before I started speaking: "Yesterday after the convention, I saw a person sleeping on the bench in front of the building...", Lizzie waited patiently for me to continue. "I first thought it was a drunk man but turns out it was a child...", Lizzie furrowed her eyebrows as I told her the story about the girl I had met yesterday. 

There was a moment of silence. "So, you tell me you found a girl alone on a bench, took her to your hotel and let her sleep there, because her aunt left her at the convention and couldn't pick her up?", Lizzie repeated. "She had nowhere to go...", I marked, and she nodded nipping at her coffee. "And you said she's fifteen and not from here...", she asked, and I nodded. "And her aunt, who is supposed to be the poor child's guardian just left her on the street in a foreign country?", Lizzie repeated with a frown. "Thats exactly what I thought... Poor thing, when she called her aunt the next morning, she talked to the kid as if she's like 18 or 20. It didn't sound like she regretted anything or thought she did something wrong.", Lizzie sat in silence.

"It's crazy how adults just neglect their children... why did the aunt agree to take the child in first place, if she seemingly doesn't care or doesn't have time for the girl?", she asked, and I just shook my head. "I can't even imagine what could've happened if I let her sleep on the bench all night. what if somebody else found her?!", my insides seemed to turn by the thought. I just didn't understand. How can somebody be so irresponsible?! The thought that Mila would stay with that woman for a whole year, made my heart ache for the girl. Lizzie seemed to notice how much it bothered me and placed her hand on mine giving it a gentle squeeze. 

"You did everything you could do... and even more", she tried to reassure me. "I know but what if there's a next time, that crazy woman didn't seem to think anything of it. what if there's a next time and there isn't somebody there who helps her Liz?! she'd be better off with foster parents. I think the girl could go missing and her aunt wouldn't even notice.", I looked up at lizzie, she was frowning her eyes held concern as well. she knew I was right. "Should I, should I report the situation to the child services?", I asked unsure. "Lizzie, I don't know... I want the girl safe." "I understand, but you should ask the girl first... we still have summer break, so there might be a chance that they'd find foster parents for her. But what about her parents?"

I felt helpless at the moment. Lizzie was right. I would have to ask the girl first; she would most likely beg me to not report it. Also, I'm sure her parents would be worried sick if they'd hear about what happened and how their daughter is treated. "Fuck Lizzie, what should I do?! I can't just do nothing. I feel bad for the girl. I can't describe it. my mind won't let me rest if there are still all those things that could happen to her.", I was pretty sure I sounded desperate or dramatic, but I couldn't help it. I felt responsible for her. I felt sick only thinking about what could happen. 

I heard lizzie sigh: "I think reporting her aunt would be the best option. I can't even imagine what family crisis that would cause though...". I sipped my coffee and hummed. "She was so sweet, she even wanted to pay for the hotel", I told lizzie. "Do you have her phone number? you could tell her about reporting her aunt... maybe she has other relatives in the US.", Lizzie suggested. My eyes light up. "Thats a great idea! I'll definitely do that! thank you Liz", I looked at the time and gasped. "We have to go, or we'll be late!", Lizzie nodded, I paid, and we left the café, not without earning a few glances from customers.

Mila's POV:

Around three hours after I left the hotel a got a message from Scarlett. I was currently at the convention, eating lunch enjoying the event until it lasted. She asked if we could meet up in a nearby café after the convention. The message made me jump; The Scarlett Johansson wanted to see me again! I was super nervous but at the same time happy to meet my idol again, this time with less stress hopefully. But something seemed off, why would she want to see me again?! surely, she wouldn't just text me to just drink something and do Smalltalk. 

I agreed nonetheless, I mean who in their right mind would decline to meet up with Scarlett Johansson?! Deciding it was the best to not overthink and look at it as a meet and greet I tried to look forward to it, even though it was rather odd of her to ask me to meet again. The day passed rather slowly, and I caught myself multiple times, thinking about what Scarlett could want to talk about. Was it the Money for the hotel?! most likely... 

After the convention had ended, I made my way to the café. It was rather small but beautiful decorated with plants and stylish furniture. To be honest it looked like one of those Pinterest cafés with ivy growing up the brick walls, which matched the whole aesthetic. Scarlett was already sitting at one of the corner seats, waving at me with a smile, which could light up a whole room. Still, I thought to see something more behind it but shrugged it off and walked over to her. She immediately stood up and embraced me, wrapping her arms around me in a warm hug. I really grew to like her hugs. they were the best. 

"Thank you for coming sweety, I'm glad you could make it.", it was a bit ironic for her to say that since she was the famous and busy one of us but anyway. She ordered me a hot chocolate and asked how my day was. After a few minutes the awkward atmosphere from the start was gone and we talked freely with each other. It was until Scarlett cleared her throat, her whole attitude getting more serious, when I felt myself tense up. 

Her gentle voice sounded softer than this morning which made me slightly worry. "Sweetheart, I have to talk to you about something important...", she started, and I just looked at her, waiting for her to continue. "I'm thinking about reporting your aunt to the child services for neglecting you, sweet."

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