Second Chance?

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Mila's POV:

"I'm thinking about reporting your aunt to the child services for neglecting you, sweet." I think my brain just stopped working. "Wait what?", my mind was still trying to progress what Scarlett had told me. 

"Listen, from what I saw I don't think your aunt is very responsible or capable of taking care of you.", Scarlett continued with a soft voice, my mind was completely blank. I blinked a few times and straightened my composure. "Umn... uh I don't really know how to respond to that...", I cleared my throat: "I mean sure, she left me on my own that night but it's not a reason to report her", I frown. I was genuinely confused. why would Scarlett ask me to meet up with her only for her to tell me she wants to report my aunt?! like what the hell! 

Scarlett took a deep breath and looked at me intently. "I heard how she reacted on the phone. And that was definitely not the reaction she should've had when she finds out that the girl she is supposed to look after got picked up by a stranger and taken to a hotel. I'm concerned about your wellbeing, your aunt seems really careless when it comes to look after you, sweetheart." 

"I-", I cut myself off not really knowing how to respond to that. I mean I'm flattered she cares about me, I guess, but what exactly was the point of this conversation? what would happen if she reports my aunt and why does she tell me about it. I could feel my anxiety rise. I was so confused, way too many questions bubbling inside my head, making it ache. Scarlett somehow seemed to notice how uncomfortable I am and placed her hand on mine, which instead of calming me down made my stomach turn. 

I didn't know how to feel. The first moment you are on a convention, fangirling for your favourite actress and the next you are sitting in a café she's holding your hand, trying to tell you she wants to report your aunt for not caring about you. That was definitely not how I imagined meeting her would be. 

"Sweety, I'm pretty sure the children rights services are on the same page as me when it comes to your aunt neglecting you. So, you would most likely be sent into the care of foster parents.", she deadpanned. I felt my head spinning. foster care?! what would that mean for my aunt? she would just loose custody?! what about my parents? I don't really mind my aunt but God, I wish nobody to be on my parents' bad side. and I'm safe if I say my aunt is already really close. her loosing custody for me would be the final straw. 

I look at Scarlett, her eyes filled with concern, as she stroked my hand with her thumb. I broke eye contact, pulling my hand away, gripping my steaming mug with hot chocolate tight. My mouth felt dry and the only thing I could do was shake my head. I heard a sigh coming from Scarlett. 

"Look, I just don't want something like this happen again. It's very dangerous, and I don't want you getting hurt.", Scarlett reasoned, keeping her voice soft and comforting. I took a sip from my hot chocolate and started picking at my fingers. "Why do you even care?", I blurted out. I mean don't get me wrong she is a normal person like everybody else but then again, a normal person would most likely mind their own business and leave it be. 

There was a thick silence before Scarlett started to speak again. "Because my heart tells me to. I don't know, I just have this feeling... I can't explain it.", once again I was at loss of words. I shake my head again. "she's not that bad... it only happened once, it was just a dumb misunderstanding", i tried to reason, Scarlett still looking at me concerned. "Sweety, I don't think-", she started but I cut her off. "no, its fine really, it was a one-time thing I'm sure it won't happen again. But thanks for caring...", I finished my hot chocolate and heard Scarlett sigh again. 

"Look sweetheart, I already thought you would say something like that... but please promise me that it won't happen again. and if so and somebody tries to report her let them. I just want you save.", Scarlett replied giving me no space to talk back. I just nod, knowing I would definitely not do that. There was no way I would go to live with total strangers for a year, my anxiety wouldn't let me survive that. 

"Sweety, I need you to promise me.", Scarlett's tone was intently. God, she's such a mom. I let out a sigh in defeat and look up at her meeting her eyes. "I promise..." "Good.", Scarlett sends me a soft smile and we talked for a while before she looked at her phone and finished her coffee. 

When we both had left the café, Scarlett embraced me in a hug once more. I was getting used to them, wrapping my arms around her as well as she then kissed my hairline. "Take care sweet and remember our promise. I just want you safe.", I nod against her shoulder as we parted again and she send me another smile, which I returned.

Scarlett's POV:

After I left the café, I almost immediately got a call from Lizzie: "And...? How did it go?", she blurted out which made me chuckle. "Well...", how should I describe it? "She gave me a promise..." "you didn't report her aunt?" ", I was going to, but she immediately tensed up and her hands started shaking. the poor thing was absolutely terrified of the idea of me reporting her aunt."

I heard lizzie hum on the other end "I mean who wouldn't? being put in foster care isn't really something to be excited about. From your description I'd guess she has anxiety, moving in with total strangers wouldn't exactly help with that..." "But she's being neglected." "Listen she's fifteen, right? I bet she doesn't care about being neglected as long as she gets to live with her aunt. From what you told me about her reaction I'm pretty sure she'd do anything to not get put into foster care. Plus, have you ever thought about what her parents would think? They trust her aunt to look after the girl, I don't even want to think about how taking away custody over the girl would impact their relationship.", Lizzie reasoned, and I felt myself deep in thought. 

"I didn't think about that... she promised me she'd let her aunt being reported the next time something like this happens." "But you understand where I'm coming from right? I doubt she would let anyone report her aunt even if she promised you. after all, you are still a stranger to her and trying to take her away from the only family she has here.", suddenly I felt unsure about my decision. what if what lizzie said is true? 

Uneasiness came over me and I felt a tug in my stomach. "...Scarlett? Are you still there?", I heard Lizzie's voice from my phone. I cleared my throat: "Uh yes I'm still here." "Listen it's not your fault. there's nothing that you can do." "I know, but still-", I cut myself off, knowing that Lizzie was stating facts. 

"How about we meet up in a restaurant for dinner tonight, before we go home? We could make it a girl's night!", she tried to cheer me up which kind of worked though I still felt guilty. But i couldnt help but worry for the girl, maybe because I had a daughter of my own. 

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