Chapter 17 Fight to the finish!

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Total Darkness... it was a very rapidly becoming familiar to Jacob ever since he came to Rapture.

He heard a voice. It said something in a foreign language.

"I think he is okay. Just unconscious." A female voice answered.

"I told you we should have moved faster." Another female voice muttered angrily.

"Sheesh, don't get too upset. At least... wait, I think he's waking up."

Jacob moved his head, grunted. Their voices sounded painful.

"Jacob! Can you hear us!" One of them all but screamed into his ear, Jacob flinched. Jumping up, startled, he found himself surrounded by Big and Little Sisters alike.

Jacob reached for his right arm to find he didn't have his harvester... or any armor, for that matter.

Panicking, Jacob made sure the sheet was covering his modesty and tried to sit up. Only for one of the Sisters to put a hand firmly on his chest.

"No. You have to rest" She said simply.

"Who are you? Where am I!" Jacob demanded.

The Little Sisters giggled at the same time. Jacob yelped and pulled the covers closer to himself. The Sisters took off their helmets, revealing their faces.

One had curly brown hair, she looked like the peppy cheerleader of the group. "My name is Ariana."

The Sister next to her was blond, her short hair was up in pigtails. "Mine is Marina."

The last Sister made Jacob do a double take. She looked pretty similar to his Auntie Tenenbaum, just younger and with longer hair. "My name is Eliana Lorrete." she said then added "We haven't met yet but I did hear from Brianna and Kel about all you've done for the little sisters, and some other things you two did, I am very glad you decided to save her and all the other Sisters."

"Heeeey what about us!" Complained several voices. The Little Sisters wanted to be introduced too. Eliana laughed. "This is Beatrice" she pointed at the Little Sister wearing a pink dress, her orange hair was done in a braid, her face was sprinkled with freckles.

"Hiya." She greeted eagerly.

"That's Daniella." said Eliana as she pointed at the girl clad in a blue dress with white polka dots, she had black hair which was loose with a matching bow,

"Hello Jacob, and you've already met Kelly, but we call her kel." Daniella said as she pointed at the little sister wearing the white shirt with poofy sleeves with a Blue jumper. She ran right over to Jacob, "its great seeing you again!" she said. Jacob waved and she immediately ran off.

"Ok Kel, give him some space." said Eliana.

"She has acted like that since... ever." Marina admitted.

"And we love her for it." Ariana added, laughing.

Jacob relaxed and smiled a bit, Eliana got up and smiled back at him. "I suggest you get some rest. You've gone through a lot." she said as all of the assembled Sisters got up and left.

Finding himself alone Jacob got comfortable in the bed he was in and looked around, it looked like he was in one of the one-room apartments that the workers used to stay in when they were building Rapture. Placing his head on the pillow Jacob found himself fast asleep within seconds.


Jacob found himself in what seemed like the room he was in before, but it was very bright, the walls were painted white, spread across the room were white satin curtains hung around, roses grew around the room, and there were toys scattered around.

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