Chapter 16 Fighting the original:

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Finding another train Jacob sat down Next to Brianna as it took them to Hephaestus. Sparrow was offline on his lap. Although the soft beeping coming from the little bot sounded suspiciously like snoring...

Smirking he tapped on the lens of the drone, startling it rather comically, it beeped angrily at him Jacob laughed and said "Sorry...couldn't resist." It gave a long hiss before staying quiet. He smiled and patted the drone. Looking out the door window made Jacob realise one thing. The longer he has stayed in Rapture the more he wanted to stay. It was like the whole place had turned from what Jacob saw only in his worst nightmares to a place that with a lot of work could actually be called home. Looking down at Brianna sitting beside him, he wondered would she and the others stay too or do they want to leave?

He wondered if Andrew Ryan, or maybe even Grandma Sophia, saw the city like he did? The train halted, leaving him in a surprisingly dry place. How could it be possible? Didn't uncle Jack flood the place?

The doors of the train opened up to one of the many rooms. Hephaestus, Jack had told Jacob about it.

He said Hephaestus is the main power production facility for Rapture and was located at the base of the city. Designed by Andrew Ryan, it harnesses the heat from geothermic vents on the ocean floor. Simply put, without Hephaestus, Rapture could not have been built. "Come on Brianna lets go, Rodey you and Fred join us when you're ready."

Getting off the train Jacob was disgusted at what he saw, he was in Andrew's trophy room apparently. There were a lot of rotting corpses that were butchered and staked to the pillars, as part of Ryan's morbid display. He immediately

Jacob wanted to faint at the sight, thank goodness he didn't, because poor sparrow did.

His lens turned to a sickly green before he went offline while he was about five feet from the ground. Jacob immediately grabbed Sparrow before he hit the ground, holding his drone friend in his hands Jacob asked "Sparrow you okay?" It gave him two slow beeps.

Chuckling nervously Jacob said trying to coaxed the poor drone "Its fine, we don't have to worry about anything...this...this is all in the past. Nothing here to harm us." Jacob wondered how much of what he said was true.

The drone was shaking a lot...Jacob doubted the poor drone would be able to fly like that so he placed him on his shoulder, holding onto it's new perch Sparrow kept shaking.

Taking a deep calming breath that was only partially successful Jacob took out his sword and made his and Brianna's way through the trophy room as quickly as he could.

"You're finally here, thats great kids. Now we can finally meet face to face." Lev said through the radio.

"Really? Your here?" Jacob asked.

"Of course... now, you need to activate the Harmonic Core number 3, the power house of Rapture and we'll be in business, at the same time you will be able to save your dear daddy from the clutches of the evil original Big Brother." Lev explained.

"That's good to know." Jacob said. He didn't know if he should be glad or not.

"Once this is all over I'll have to give you a reward for all your hard work."

"No thanks. I got plenty of plasmids and weapons. I have enough." Jacob admitted.

"Aw come on. I insist." Lev insisted.

"Alright." Jacob settled. Whatever it takes to keep Lav from teasing him and stuff.

Sparrow hissed at Lev. Jacob couldn't care about Lev now though, his father. Finally, he was going to see him again after what seemed like forever. Temporarily forgetting about his fears Jacob walked at a pace that may as well have been running, looking for the core. Practically dragging Brianna along as he ran hardly listening to her telling him to slow down he finally found a huge door.

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