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"Gosh, my head is splitting." Scarlet groaned putting her head over Grace's shoulder.

She has been complaining since she arrived at school.

"Carly, alcohol is not good. Why consuming something so poisonous with zero benefits!?" Grace hopelessly devoted to pull her out of the habit patting her head sitting on the school front stairs'.

"Tell me saint, is drinking alcohol a sin ? Because from what I've heard is not a sin." She made a fuss over it.

"It may or may not be a sin but the effects from it will cause a person to sin. Ever heard of gluttony?" Grace  asked at the end.

"Okay, I may be drank a lot yesterday but tell me that is not Doe I know." She sniggers.

Grace whipped her head to the direction of the front gate and her words caught up on her throat.

The last time she saw Dorothy wear the skin tight dress was in junior school, although it was a bit lousy back then but right now it clings like a second skin to her slender body.

Trust me, this is the last time am wearing it Gee. I won't put this piece of close again.

She sweared on the first day of their Senior year when she wore that.

"Girl you are on FIRE. I'll help you count how many head turned checking u out." Scarlet sat upright whistled eyeing her up and down her red short sleeve dress which reached at the middle of her thighs hugging her figure perfectly.

Guilty written all over Dorothy face, unable to reply anything but pulling down the very short dress which is stubbornly crawl up her body.

"Doe, are you comfortable!?" Grace asked with concern.

"I had no idea that it will be this short when I walk." She tried to make excuse.

But last time you said you won't wear it again." Grace remind her.

"This morning I thought maybe I lose a little pounds that's y I put it on." She whimper regretting her sturboness.

"Losing pounds!? You!? Girl, can't you see all the extra meat on your bones!? Scarlet hissed massaging her front head after using much energy for kicking some sense in her.

"Are you calling me fat, Scars!?" Dorothy face heated, to the rate of smokes to emerge from her ears.

When trying to put it on a dramatic way.

"Guys, it's not afternoon yet but you already arguing. Please let's stop." Grace as always tries to calm them down pulling them inside school walls to their lockers.

Why are you so disobedient, are you taking my love for granted Dorothy?

No, I thought it'll fit me after taking ten steps or more for stretching out.

Don't you know that you yourselves are GOD'S temple and that GOD'S Spirit lives in you? 1 Corinthians 3:16

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what GOD'S will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

Words knocked at Dorothy's mind effortlessly.


"Hi girls... whoa" Charity waved her hand jogging to their direction at the lockers and stop her tracks, cautiously she took steps and went to stood with uncomfortable Dorothy.

"Girl, wow." She giggled as always.

"The way to own the dress is to be confident in it but I can tell you really wish for a land to break loose and swallow you." Added eying Dorothy from head to toe.

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