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Donahue drove the car, and Tao Yuan sat in the back seat, hugging her body tightly.

He knew that the original owner's body was sensitive, but he didn't expect that after drinking alcohol, the body would become so sensitive, it was almost like taking a powerful aphrodisiac.

He wants to use the system to recover his body, but recovery also takes time. Because he drank too much and relied on his system to keep him from getting drunk. This body's constitution is too special and it is not easy to recover.

Donahue glanced at the rearview mirror and asked, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"You... try to drive faster. I have to hurry up and go back." Tao Yuan wanted to moan whenever he spoke, so he could only force it. Just hold it in so you won't moan out.

Donahue felt strange. He was fine just now, but as soon as he got in the car, he seemed to feel particularly uncomfortable. He saw that he was not drunk even after drinking so much wine, and thought that he was just like himself, a person who would never get drunk no matter how much he drank. But now it seems that his drunken state seems different from others.

Donahue originally went to the bar to wait for someone, but the person actually let him go. When racing, he was the only one who favored Tao Yuan for winning. It wasn't that he believed that Tao Yuan would definitely win. It was just that he had always been like this when it came to betting. He just liked to bet on things that no one else was optimistic about. Moreover, his gambling luck has always been very good and he can win most of the time.

He didn't care about the little money he won, he mainly wanted to enjoy the process and results, and the person who made him win money also made him inexplicably interested. He fooled all those people by himself, and that kind of controlling, arrogant and aloof temperament made his heart move inexplicably.

After arriving, Donahue helped him open the car door. As soon as Tao Yuan stood on the ground, he couldn't help but shrink his legs.

Donahue quickly supported him, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah~" Tao Yuan bit his lip, but still couldn't hold back the moan, and his body couldn't help shaking. He could hold it back originally, but it was his lover who touched him, making him more sensitive both physically and mentally.

"I'll take you up." Donahue helped him up and half-carried him to the elevator.

"Don't..., um~" Tao Yuan wanted to say don't touch me, but he couldn't help but groaned. The more he touched me, the more unbearable his body became.

After entering the elevator, Donahue felt that he was shaking non-stop, his face was extremely red, and his expression was blurred, which looked very wrong.

"Do you want me to take you to the hospital?" Donahue couldn't help but frown. There was something wrong with him. He was not just drunk.

Tao Yuan shook his head. There was no point in going to the hospital. He just had to lie in bed and push through. The system would help him recover, but it just took time.

Finally entering the room, Tao Yuan lay down on the bed and began to take off his clothes. His body was extremely hot, as if he had been given a love potion or roasted by fire.

Donahue went into the bathroom and wet the towel with cold water. When he walked out, Tao Yuan had taken off only his underwear, twisting and rubbing his legs between his legs.

Donahue was stunned, thinking, could he have been drugged? But he kept watching to make sure that every glass of wine he drank was not drugged. Instead, he saw him drugging others with such speed that even he admired it.

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