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Nobody's perspective:

"Jeez, this hat must be invisible..." Poppy says, looking under a leaf.

Biggie and Poppy are currently looking for Mr. Dinkles hat. They've almost looked everywhere, but it's nowhere to be seen.

"I'm sure it's somewhere..." Biggie mutters while looking behind a rock.

"Where'd you last see it?" Poppy asks, looking at Biggie.

Biggie looks at Poppy for five seconds straight. "Queen Poppy, do you think we haven't looked there yet?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh! Yeah, right... My bad.." Poppy replies, embarrassed. She chuckles awkwardly. She then turns around and looks through a couple of leaves. She sighs to herself.

After an hour or two, Biggie and Poppy are sitting on a rock, exhausted. "Biggie, I don't think we are ever going to find this hat..." Poppy whines, looking at Biggie.

"No, we will..." Biggie breathes out, groaning.

"Mew." Mr. Dinkles suggests. Biggie and Poppy stare at him.

"Well, we could... But from where?" Biggie asks, looking at Poppy.

"Hm... Where could we get a new hat...?" Poppy asks herself, looking down at the grass.

"Maybe you could use this..." A crooked voice says from behind a pile of leaves. Biggie and Poppy jump at the sudden voice.

"Who's that...?" Biggie asks.

A troll with messy purple hair and yellow skin come out from the leaves. It has clothes of a classical troll, hair of a rock troll, body of a funk troll, eyes of a techno troll, and the voice of a country troll.

"What the..." Poppy whispers, looking at the troll. "Who are you?" She asks, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

The troll walks forward, a scroll of paper. "Tammy." She says, smiling. "It's been a while since I've seen some trolls!" She says, excited. At least we know she has the energy of a pop troll.

"Okay, Tammy. Uhm, no disrespect, but... what exactly are you...?" Poppy asks, weirded out by Tammy.

"Queen Poppy, be more respectful." Biggie mentions to her. Keeping his eye on Tammy.

"Oh, no! It's fine. A lot of trolls have the same reaction. I'm... a rainbow troll." She explains, looking at Poppy and Biggie with a wide smile on her face.

"A what now?" Poppy asks, raising an eyebrow.

"A rainbow troll! It's a mix between all of the troll types. Pretty simple, really." Tammy replies.

"But how?" Biggie asks.

"Must've been a lotta dads..." Poppy adds on. Tammy looks at her confused.

"What? No. So basically, my dad found the end of a rainbow. It was just... a bright puddle of colors in the ground! So, due to curiosity, my father walked to it and... jumped in it!" Tammy starts, sticking her arms up in the air.

"I'd do the the same." Poppy says to herself, chuckling.

Tammy continues, "But as soon as his foot touched the puddle, BOOM! He got blasted away!" She yells loud, making Biggie jump.

💙Getting Married💖 - BROPPY | TROLLS FANFICTION (NOT CONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now