Final? Epilogue

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The morning came to Hell and streets were quite deserted for that part of day.

Blitzo woke up and went straight to kitchen to eat something, took a yesterday sandwich with him and turned on the TV. It was his day off, so he planned just to spend it watching some stuff on television.
He took a bite and signed.

Blitzo: I saw such a good dream... she came back...

He stood up from the sofa and came to her room. You can imagine his surprise when he saw the hellhound sleeping on her bed like she was there all the time. Blitzo rubbed his eyes, but Loona was still there. He slowly closed the door and then let his emotions get out:

Blitzo: She is here! My baby's home! Fuck I was worrying so much...

He took the coziest pose on the sofa and started watching some documentaries about horses in Wrath Ring. He wanted to wait until his 'baby' wakes up.

Loona had nightmares. Each one was connected with Sam. The guy died, left her back or was afraid of the girl. All the events took place at ruins of Sam's house, with lots of blood and some noise on the background.

She gasped deeply and woke up. After a few minutes of looking around she understood where she was. She heard a sound of TV from the living room. Quite a usual morning for her. One question was worrying her.

Loona: Was that all a dream?!

She quickly shook her head, putting puzzle together: too much things happened to be just a dream. She decided to leave her room and went to Blitzo.

Loona: Morning, dad...

Blitzo: Hey Loonie! I can't believe it, you came back! I was... I mean... morning, yeah...

Blitzo tried to hide his amusement with no success.

Loona: I had a... tough time on my mission... both my book and phone were burnt and I couldn't come back... Even hurt...

Blitzo: What?! Who did that? Was that asshole-target so dangerous?

Loona: He used a cursed weapon... I wonder where he found it...

Blitzo: I'm so happy you made it home safe and sound but... wait how did you come back?

Loona: Oh yeah! Let me tell you... about... I... I met a human, he saved me from that asshole... healed and helped me back...

Blitzo: What?! He? A guy? Tell me who he is! I'll make him regard he tried to...

Loona: DAD, STOP! He is a good person! He didn't try to do anything to me, he saved me! And he... When he sent me here, something... something appeared, I guess it was a strong demon... He killed Sam...

Blitzo: Sam? So that's his name... Well, now he's dead and you're in safety... I don't know... poor boy?

Loona: He was a great man! He had a really hard life, as I did before... It's so terrible... I can't believe he is gone...

Blitzo: Maybe your Sam is in Hell now, who knows...

Loona: I guess he is not here, such an honest person can't end up here...

Blitzo: Well, then he must be having a time of his life with those sweety sheep-like little angels... Anyway, you don't have even a phone now, do you? How about going and buying you a new one?

Loona: Yeah, that would be... great...

Loona tried to cheer up, but felt miserable inside... A phone, when someone close to her was dead? Blitzo gave her some cash and after half an hour she bought herself a new one, like the previous was. She kept her phone from human realm and left it in her room.

Arrival In Hell (Loona x Male Character)Where stories live. Discover now