Barbie Most Wanted

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It's rare for the fortress to be in a state of glum, and today is one of those days. IMP stood at the fortress all night as it was now morning. Millie and Moxxie are n a room bring watched by richter dyno and Rico who hovered over them. And they were not happy.

Millie: can we at least explain 

Richter: explain what, that our own teammates been going behind our back and been secretly helping Barbie wire escape.

Dyno: I expected this from Moxxie but from my own sister, in law, I'm hurt I'm hurt

Moxxie: what, why would you expect it from me

Dyno snaps his fingers, then Rico slaps Moxxie to the ground. 

Dyno: because you're desperate to something like this, and behind our back. You're lucky I don't beat you right now. And you know I can

Stirker: and you two are lucky 

Striker walks inside

Striker: that your not dealing with jaeger 

With the leader of diablos. He in his room chewing out blitzo. Blitzo put furnitures in front of jaeger, only to burn as he approached. Jaeger grabs blitzo by the collar and lifts him into the air.

Jaeger: you lied to me blitzo

Blitzo: what you mean I never told you that she was my sister

Jaeger: I meant your motives blitzo

Blitzo: oh yeah, k you got me

Jaeger: why didn't you tell me she was your sister [shakes him]

Blitzo: cause I never would've thought it would be a big deal as it is now!

Jaeger: well now it is

Jaeger slams blitzo down. He growls as he walks around.

Blitzo: ow, ok jaeger I know I messed up but give my sister a chance, she doesn't deserve the Diablo beat down. Trust me I know from experience 

We get a flashback of dyno tackling blitzo and beating him to the punch of life. Back to jaeger he snarls and glares at blitzo.

Jaeger: you think you get it blizto, you think Im acting like some kind of gang boss with authority issues. CAUSE IM NOT!! We let her into our family, made her feel welcome, and what did she do. She used us, she betrayed our family blitzo, she stole dyno tech, stab me and striker in the back, and broke richter heart, emotionally not in love interest kind of way, just to move above the ranks, but she was already equal to the ranks. We are not letting her into the family again. 

Blitzo: but if you give her a chance

Jaeger: we gave her chances blitzo, what you think we did when confronting her, she left this group

Blitzo: oh and what about when striker and you guys left

Jaeger: we didn't have a choice, we left out due to how we felt that day... but she had a choice, and now, she's dead meat, and you are not to interfere, that is an order blitz. And oh if you think getting beaten by dyno was bad

Jaeger slams his fist into the wall near blitzo face, the impact dents the was as it begins to burn. 

Jaeger: you have no idea what I'm capable 

With that jaeger walks off. Blitzo is left terrified, shaking from the conversation. But suddenly he realized Barbie is in jaeger war path. He shakes it off and growls.

Helluva boss: Jaeger, the devilous impWhere stories live. Discover now