Bone Shark

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- Fortress

We see Chaz, moping in his bed. He look to see the eels resting in their bed. He gets up and leaves the room. He walks down the hall when he spots richter and Mayberry in the training room. 

Richter: you doing good

Mayberry: richter come on your just saying that 

Richter: I mean it 

Richter kissed her forehead as she giggled. Chaz then enters the lounge wear he sees jaeger and Martha watching a movie.

Martha: this is nice

Jaeger: indeed it is 

Martha and jaeger snuggle and get closer. They purr and kiss as they continue to watch the movie. Chaz sighs and walks off, before we see Rico hop into the kitchen and brings out a giant fish. 

He puts on his chefs hat and bring sour knives, he cuts the fish into several pieces. He goes to eat one when he hears growls. He looks and sees the eels and shade there with their teeth flashing. They look at the sushi and Rico. Rico got the message and pulls the fish into his direction. Shade and eels growl as does Rico. 

Jaeger: Rico just share the sushi 

Rico: ok ok

Rico throws the sushi into the faces. They still eat the sushi. 

We see Chaz walk towards dyno lab and as he opens the door he sees nothing there. 

Chaz: Huh, where is dyno so he could make me feel depressed about not having my girl around

Striker: [walks by] he's at Verosika 

Chaz: yep that explains it 

Chaz walks off. 

-Verosika place

We see dyno working on a his tentacles. Then Verosika tail slithers around his body, it then pressed onto his lips.

Dyno: vivi, do you got to do that every time  

Verosika then leans in and hugs dyno.

Verosika: yes. Cause it's fun. But you know what could be fun 

Dyno: let me guess, this 

They turn and kiss each other.


At the rec room we see Chaz moping on a bean bag. Wade and nin watched this and couldn't help but feel bad.

Nin: he's been like this for 2 weeks now

Wade: yeah, it's just so sad. Let me help him

Wade them zooms behind Chaz. He grabs the throws the beam bag as Chaz fell down. Nin walks over and look at them.

Nin: stupid, but affective

Wade: thank you

Chaz: hey guys

Wade: Chaz, why you doing this to yourself

Chaz: what you mean

Wade: you've been walking around the fortress mopping about your girlfriend, I'm surprised you haven't got the attentions of the others beside the diablos and the women

Chaz: what others

Wade: beside the point, here's the point call your girlfriend 

Chaz: I can't 

Helluva boss: Jaeger, the devilous impWhere stories live. Discover now