Speed Demon

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-Wraith Ring

Our scene takes place in the wraith ring. The sun was high as we zoom into a small town, cowboy themed. We transit inside a saloon. We see several imps and demons. Bartenders and waitresses several food and drinks to the customers. The imps are having a swell time. The doors are shot open, stopping the music and games. Everyone drew their attention to the entrance, we see a hooded man in a coat. He walks in further and takes off his mask. The hooded figure was Jaeger.

Jaeger: well don't stop on my account

The music continues. Jaeger walks through the saloon. Many still watched what he did, only for him to order a drink. He sits at the edge of the corner eyeing the many people. Till he sees a certain group of cowboys. He smirks and walks to them. He then past some tiny imps on the window.

 He then past some tiny imps on the window

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Jaeger: sup little dudes

They wave as Jaeger continues his path. (Don't know their names just calling them the banditos). Jaeger leans over several sinister-looking imps playing cards.

Jaeger: mind if I join

???:.... No

Jaeger: alright, but I'm then I'm doing the talking

Jaeger circles each of the cowboys.

Jaeger: you see, everyone knows that my brothers and sons are back together, meaning the Diablo brotherhood is back. And we need help in search of something, or someone.

One of the cowboys tense up

Jaeger: the person we're looking for is a slippery one he does most of his work in the shadows. And I have a feeling you know him. He goes by many names but he's one, rakor.

Then all the cowboys looked at Jaeger. One of them signals for others' attention.

Jaeger: ah I see you do know. So I'll make this quick, tell me where rakor is

Cowboy: sorry Boy Scout, but this isn't any bounty hunter guild, here we have our own rules

The cowboys got up and one snaps his fingers, several cowboys rose and started to surround Jaeger.

Jaeger: oh come now boys we know how's this gonna end, your gonna tell me anyway

Cowboy: and why is that

Jaeger: cause my second in command won't stop leaving my side, some might think we're together

From the window burst a lasso. It flies past imps and ensnared one of the cowboy's necks. He is pulled out of the pub. Everyone stares at the door as they hear spurs hit the ground.

Helluva boss: Jaeger, the devilous impWhere stories live. Discover now