Shock N Awe

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- Pride Ring 

The scene takes place not above, but below the pride ring streets, it's sewer tunnels. We see imp goons patrolling the tunnels then we see The one and only rakor. 

Rakor: have you secure the prize

Goon: no sir

Rakor: then continue the search, I didn't track these pest from envy just to lose them

Goon: yes sir, bravo, delta, gamma, move out

The teams move out. In bravo side they didn't see anything until a creature slither pass. 

Bravo: sir it appears we got something

Rakor: don't let it escape, I want them alive 

Goon: you heard him, bravo close it in

Bravo team does so as they lead the creature down a tunnel. Gamma team is scene looking around for their creature. Then suddenly they are attacked by something, then it throws one down.

Gamma: sir, the second creature is here, He is shaking one out men

Goon: capture it, master rakor needs it alive along with other one. Delta squad, split up and help the other teams. 

Delta squad nods and split up. With their extra man power they corral the creatures. They shine lights onto the creatures, they remake two black, red finned eels, each having red lightning bolts on their eyes. And the shocking part ( not sorry) is that these eels had arms. The creature roar and charges up. We see blue flash from the corner of rakor and the goon perspective.

Goon: sir, I know this is obvious but we are losing 

Rakor: you're right it was obvious. Which is why I'm here 

Rakor walks around the corner. The eels defeated most of the goons. They eye rakor, they glow in rage and charge, until rakor fires a net subduing them. He lifts them up and his.

Rakor: easy easy my deep water predators, you're gonna help me awaken something in my rivals. By stripping them of their most valuable tech, the fortress. 

Rakor laughs as the scene changes

- Verosika place 

Our scene transit inside her bed room, see is scene sleeping peacefully before getting up. She yawns and stretches. You could almost see a ray of light shine on her. She gets up and gets dressed, then we a shadow crawling on the side of the window. We transit to her finishes breakfast. Then we see something dangling in front of the window as she was on her phone. She soon sense something was watching and turned around to see nothing, being curious she opens the windows and looks at. She looks around and sees nothing, about to give on her final look she comes face to face with... dyno.

Dyno: morning gorgeous 

Verosika: [jumps] dynamo!

Dyno: oh sorry, didn't mean to scare you

Verosika: no, well yes but I just got to get use to my boyfriends abilities. So what brings you here 

Dyno: I come to see how you were doing before I went to the fortress to get work

Verosika: oh well I have a few tapes to do but once I'm  done maybe I can come visit, get to know your brothers 

Dyno: maybe not cause I'm upgrading the security and I don't want to be mad at myself if you get hurt 

Helluva boss: Jaeger, the devilous impWhere stories live. Discover now