Chapter 15 So We Meet Again Mr. Andrew

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Was it his father? Was it him? He couldn't be sure. The lack of sword and bomb pouch could be an indicator, but it could have also been drawn before he got any additional weapons.

"Come in." A voice coldly announced.

Walking up ahead he found himself in a large grand theatre hearing a loud clang he looked behind himself. Both Fred and Brianna have been locked out by a bulkhead door, leaving Jacob, Rodey and Sparrow together.

A figure was hiding behind the red curtains. Jacob could only see his silhouette.

"Who are you!" Jacob demanded, trying to sound as brave as possible. He hoped the fear in his voice was only in his imagination.

His hopes were for naught as the figure laughed loudly. "You made it this far. I'm surprised, but I know you didn't make it this far on your own." He laughed once again.

The figure stood up and walked out of the curtains revealing himself.

He wore an old fashioned Big Sister helmet, but the metal looked sturdier and on top of the opening to the side was a small hole. His suit was a version of the one Jacob was wearing, but the metals looked like it belonged to the Rumbler Big Daddy. On his back he didn't wear a sphere cage. Which raised the question whether this guy had ever protected a sister or not.

"Are you the Big Brother General?" Jacob asked.

"The one and only," The Brother answered. "You didn't come here to see me. You came to fight me, haven't you? Want your daddy's position then come take it."

Feeling courage well up inside him Jacob pushed forward. "I came here to fight you, and I will win."

The Big Brother laughed, sounding more amused than anything. "Really? You want to know how many have tried before you, please, you and the freak don't stand a chance." He mocked.

"We'll see about that!" Jacob challenged bravely.

"I'll feed you to the other Little Brothers you!"

He was tired of being scared, he had gone too far just to get stopped by this guy, there was no turning back, Jacob was going to fight and he was going to win.

The General jumped as high as he could, rebounding off the ceiling, he was going to slam his harvester into Jacobs chest as he fell, but Jacob jumped back with only a second to spare. The harvester got stuck in the ground, giving Jacob a chance to attack.

Not sparing a second Jacob charged Incinerate into his right and and Electro-bolt into his left before launching forward and throwing a series of punches at his trapped enemy. The last flame enhanced upper-cut freed the General's harvester and his brother used telekenisis and threw him across the room.

Rolling as he landed the General used telekinesis and threw a half dozen chairs at Jacob. Dodging all but one of the chairs Jacob shook off the hit though Rodey was nocked out of the cage on Jacobs back before he jumped up to one of the balconies and started hurling bolts of lightning downward with both hands.

Despite dozens of bolts being thrown at the the General dodged most of the, the ones that hit him slowing him down but now stopping him and he sprinted at Rodey on the ground. Once he reached Rodey, Jacob tried to jump back down to the first floor in an attempt to save his brother, but he grabbed Rodey's ankle and threw him into the wall, trapping him in a corner.

Pointing his harvester at Rodey's stomach, ready to kill him, the General mocked

"Any last words?"

A small smile came to Rodey's face. "Yeah. sucker punch!"

Bioshock: Big Brother Re-told storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن