Chapter 32: 24 Hours

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Twenty four hours. Louis still is in a coma. Doctors have since moved him back to a hospital room, where he now lays, having a doctor or nurse to check on him every hour.

Harry hasn't moved from his spot. He sits in a cushioned chair next to Louis, the chair facing the bed. He waits, still as a statue; elbows resting on his thighs, his chin in his palms, eyes starting at his boyfriends still body, unblinking. The room was eerily quiet, the only sound being made was the soft beep... beep... of Louis heart monitor.

The baby has since began recovering and will hopefully soon be able to be brought back to the room.

A soft knock on the door and in walks Liam. "Hey Harry..." He says gently. "Niall and I are going to get some food. Zayn has offered to stay and wait here with you. Anything you want before we go?"

No response.



Frowning sadly and shutting the door quietly, Liam turned to Niall. "He still hasn't said anything since Louis went in a coma."

"It's been twenty four hours." Niall commented.

Liam nodded. "Yeah." He rubbed his lips together. "Zayn said he'll be up in a minute. He was getting information on Louis since Harry won't speak." He turned to go.

"Think we should leave him? Shouldn't we wait till Zayn arrives?" Niall worriedly asked, not wanting to leave Harry alone.

Liam sighed softly. "You're right." He let out a low breath of air and leaned against the wall. "I'm really worried."

"We all are." Niall stated matter-of-factly. "I mean, our best friend is in a coma, with his newborn baby in the ICU. Not to mention his boyfriend, our other best friend, hasn't spoken a single word since his boyfriend went into a coma."

"Yeah..." Liam sighed, nodding sadly.

Niall sat in a chair next to where Liam stood. He rested his chin in his right hand and stared, losing himself in thought.

Liam looked down to him, noticing his expression. "Penny for your thoughts?"

Shrugging slightly, Niall removed his hand. "I'm just wondering how long?"

"How long, what?"

"How long will Louis be out? I mean, he's become my brother. All of you have. I just get protective of him, ya know?"

Liam chuckled softly. "Yeah, I know. Remember Louis' ex? You beat his ass into oblivion."

Niall chuckled. "Yeah, I remember. Guy was an asshole. He had it coming. I never liked him to begin with, to be honest. But I wanted Louis to be happy. Guess it was right to not like him."

"Yeah." Liam smiled, ruffling his hair.

Footsteps along the white tile flooring echoed off the long hallway. Looking down the hall, the two boys saw their friend making his way towards them. Liam and Niall moved so they were standing and waiting for Zayn to give them answers to the questions the three had been discussing in the last few hours.

"So?" Niall asked curiously.

"Well," Zayn took a deep breath, "the baby is doing a lot better. Doctors say he'll be brought up in about half an hour to an hour." He bit his lip and lowered his eyes. "They say it could be a while before Louis wakes up, though. But they want to keep a close eye on him, if he doesn't keep getting oxygen to his lungs, he might end up in a life threatening situation. Doctors said he has a ninety-five percent chance of it not happening. He should be okay, hopefully."

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