Chapter 29: Just Sign Here

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"What do you think he'll be like?" Liam asked. "Simon, I mean?"

"Simon?" Louis asked, all gittery inside. "My Uncle Simon."

"Uncle Simon." Liam chuckled. "I dare you to call him that when we get there."

"I'd be careful." Zayn said  cautiously, keeping his eyes on the road. "You've seen Simon on X-Factor; he might get upset."

"Well, we will find out then, won't we?" Louis said brightly, a big smile on his baby face.

"You seem to be in a good mood this morning." Niall rested one leg on the other. "Wonder why?"

Louis have Niall a big smirk and rubbed his belly. "Six months next week."

"And three months after that." Harry smiled, kissing Louis' head and whispering in his ear. "Speaking of which, should we tell them he's a boy?"

"It's a boy?!" Niall jumped in his seat excitedly.

"Looks like Niall beat us to it." Louis giggled. "Yes, he is a boy."

That was the last thing said before Niall went on and on about how he would be a great uncle, teach his nephew how to sing, and naming off names the baby could be named.

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Simon invited the boys and Paul to talk over lunch. He invited them to a five star restaurant in uptown London. All were filled with excitement in meeting the famous X-Factor judge. Many questions to ask him filled all their minds, but the decision to actually ask still pondered.

"Is Paul meeting us there?" Liam asked Zayn.

"Yeah, he said he was going to be there in five. He'll be there before we arrive, so he will have the chance to introduce himself to Simon, like a real manager."

"Alright," Liam smiled, resting his back against the seat of the car, a soft sigh escaping his lips. "Gosh, I'm so nervous, yet so excited at the same time. I mean we're meeting Simon Cowell. "The  Simon Cowell! I didn't think I'd ever meet him unless I went I went on X-Factor, let alone because he wants something to do with our band. This all feels like a dream."

"No denying that." Louis spoke, rubbing his stomach, feeling a soft kick. He giggled and bit his bottom lip. Harry took notice before wrapping an arm around his shoulder, pulling him into his side.

"How are you feeling?" Harry was always asking how Louis was doing ever since they made it halfway through the fifth month. Every few minutes he would ask and Louis would respond with the same answer "I'm fine Hazza."

Harry cared and worried. He knew babies could be born three months early. It wasn't safe and Harry knew it all to well. He feared that Louis would go into labor sooner than later and wanted to make sure he knew right away so Harry could get him to a hospital so would be in good care.

Louis gave Harry his regular response and gave him a reassuring smile. "Please relax, Haz. The baby is fine and so am I."

"Just wanting to make sure." Harry nuzzled his nose against Louis' ear, sending a tingle through his smaller body.

Louis blushed at the touch and curled up next to Harry in his seat, his hand finding Harry's and intertwining. His bury his face in Harry's shoulder and close his eyes, a big smile on his face.

"Glad you could make it." Simon said when the boys walked up to meet him. He shook each of their hands, taking notice of Louis' baby bump. He simply gave him a smile and a 'congratulations' before straightening up. Paul stood next to him, hands clasped behind his back. Simon smiled and nodded towards the restaurant. "Well, then. Shall we?"

The seven men headed inside where they took a seat in a reserved booth in private where they could talk about the agreement. They were quick to order their food before the waiter left them alone to talk.

"So," Simon began, clasping his hands in front of his face, "lets begin..."

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"You offer quite an agreement, very well considerable." Zayn commented, taking a sip of wine. "I don't see how we can decline."

"I would be very pleased if you accepted." Simon said very professionally.

"I think we might have to agree." Louis nodded, a glass of water in his hand. Liam nudged him and the two leaned in to whisper something back and forth. Liam smirked and Louis nodded, a soft chuckle escaping from under his breath. "We will sign, if you agree to something?"

"Alright, lets hear it." Simon folded his arms over his chest.

Louis smiled like a little child. "Will you be my Uncle Simon?"

Unable to stop himself, Simon let out a humorous laugh. Louis smiled felt Harry squeeze his thigh. "Yes Louis. I will be your Uncle Simon." He couldn't stop another fit of laughter.

The seven went on laughing with one another for a few moments before finally calming down and collecting themselves. "Now then," Zayn began, "were do we sign?"

"Ah, just a second." Simon reached down beside his chair and lifted a briefcase that none had noticed before now. He moved aside some plates from lunch and set down the rectangular case. He clicked open the locks and lifted the latches, following the lid.

"When did he get that?" Niall whispered to Liam who sat next to him. He shrugged and continued to watch Simon.

"Just sign here." Simon set down the papers, pointing to the signature spot for the six men. Paul pulled a pen from his blazer and handed it to Niall, who sat closet to him.

Niall stared at his four friends before looking down at the papers. He clicked the pen and lowered it to the signature line. He took a small breath before signing his name. And they the boys were on their way to becoming someone everyone would soon remember.

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