Chapter 24: Big Night; Part 1: Problems

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((We are over halfway through this book! YAY!! Thank you so much for all the reads and favourites! I cannot thank you enough! Gosh, I just wanna hug all of you! Aha! Let me know what you guys think is to come with Louis' pregnancy and Harry's dark past.

Chapter 24: Big Night; Part 1: Problems             Part 1 of 3.))


The sound of the rotary phone woke the whole house. Stumbling down the stairs in his boxers, Liam snatched the phone up into his hand and answered. "Hm, hello?"

"Liam, did you guys just wake up?" Paul asked, shuffling around. Liam nodded, mumbling a yes as he rubbed his eyes and stretched. He turned to see the other four come downstairs. "Well, you guys better get showered and dressed! You have that gig today, remember?"

With that, Liam was fully awake and responsive. "Oh my God, I can't believe I almost forgot! Shit!"

"It's okay," Paul began, "just be in Doncaster in six hours. You'll have enough time to rehearse and get ready before you all go on."

"We will Paul." Liam looked at the digital clock next to the phone; 0900 hours. The two gave their farewells and hung up. Liam turned to his friends, waiting for him to tell what the call was about. "Guys, how could we have forgotten? We have that gig tonight!" He began to usher the boys around the living room, all awake and ready. "Go, shower, get dressed, I'll start breakfast, go!"

All the boys ran in different directions to get ready. Niall and Louis ran upstairs, side by side, Harry and Zayn close behind. Liam raced to the kitchen to begin breakfast.

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Forty-five minutes later, four of five boys were dressed and ready to go, except for Liam who finished up breakfast for them. He ran upstairs and quickly showered, making sure he was clean before sprinting to his room, dressing in a black t-shirt, skinny jeans, and grey Vans; a black leather jacket to top it off.

Twenty minutes later, Liam came downstairs, joining his lads for breakfast. He scarfed down some pancakes and bacon and a couple glasses of orange juice.

"Lets go!" He shouted when they finished. The five moved quickly to go outside and stopped. They all stood in a line next to each other, staring at the van in front of them in surprise.

"Whoa!" Louis said staring wide eyed at the brand new VW van in front of them. It was an aqua blue with white. Big and had a tire on the front in between the headlights.

A note sat in the windshield, flopping around in the morning breeze. Zayn snatched it up and read it aloud. "A little gift for you boys. I've been waiting to give it to you all. Incase you were thinking, no I didn't use the money you made from your YouTube videos. I used the money from my old job to buy it. A token of my appreciation. Yours truly, Paul." Zayn lowered the note and looked to the boys. "Paul got us a van?"

"A nice van." Niall walked around it and admired it. "Very nice."

"You think that's nice, the inside is better." Zayn looked through the windows. "But, where are the key that go with it?"

Looking around the car inspecting, Niall snapped his fingers. He opened the gas compartment and pulled out a key on a carabiner. "Here it is!" He tossed it to Zayn who unlocked the driver side door and the rest.

"You driving Liam?" Zayn asked, turning to look at the brunette boy with matching eyes.

He nodded and smiled as Zayn tossed him the key and climbed in the passenger seat. The three other boys climbed in the back, Niall sat at the window, his back to it and Louis and Harry in the center seats. A table sat in front of the three of them with a deck of cards on it.

"Yeah!" Niall picked up the deck and opened it. "Who's up for a friendly game of poker?"

Harry and Louis joined in and Zayn did from the front seat as Liam started up their new van, backing out of their driveway and onto the empty road. He began to drive off, the destination; Doncaster.


"I fold." Zayn announced, tossing his cards over his shoulder and onto the floor of the van.

"You couldn't just hand them back, Mate?" Louis asked, placing a card down.

Zayn looked at Louis over his shoulder, a look of thought on his face. His lower lip stuck out to make it look like he was thinking hard. "Um... Nope." He chuckled and turned forward.

Louis mocked Zayn and looked down to his cards. He studied them briefly before smirking to himself. "Alright then, anyone else fold?" He heard Niall ask, holding his cards to his chest as if to hide what he had.

Louis eyed Niall before shaking his head. Harry looked deep in thought at his cards, chewing on his lower lip. He huffed and nodded. "I fold." He set his cards down.

"Alright then, Louis." Niall set his cards down. "A full house. Beat that."

Louis looked to Niall with a pout, before a large smirk crossed his plump lips. "Alright," he set his cards down; a royal flush. "Looks like I beat that." He laughed and wrapped his arm around Niall's shoulder who crossed his arms pouting like a small child.

For the boys, the little joke didn't last long when the van began to swerve at the sound of a loud POP. They all gripped their seats and each other, as Liam pulled the van over to the side of the road. They sat in silence for a few moments, still too shocked to move.

Louis broke the silence. "What the hell happened?"

"I-I don't know..." Liam unbuckled and opened the door, climbing out onto the road. He walked to the back tires and studied them. "Shit!" He half shouted walking up to the drivers side door. "We have a problem. Tire popped."

"What?" Zayn got out and went to see for himself.

Louis' lips formed a straight line. "Wow, new van and already, we fucked it up." He laughed. "We're so bad."

Liam rolled his eyes. "Focus Louis, we have to be in Doncaster in two hours."

"Have we really been driving for an hour? I'm shocked. We played a lot of poker."

Liam shrugged. "Not important. Come on, we need to find help and get the tire fixed." He went to the tire as Niall, Louis, and Harry climbed out and into the late morning air.

((Ah, I'll end it there! But if we can get 10 likes or more in the next 24 hours, I'll put up part 2! <3))

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