Start from the beginning

"There are no words to describe what I feel,"I confess in a whisper, looking at the men and woman walking in front of us. As we near the two large doors, I slow down my pace to give me more time to mentally prepare myself. 

As if the couple of seconds would be anything near sufficient. A row of profanities popping in my mind when the bastard pushes the doors open without giving the servant any time to announce our presence to the Lord and his Wife. 

His nonchalant attitude would indicate that he walks into a room of cockroaches, the frown on his forehead deepening when he spots my parents sitting stiffly on their silver thrones decorated with the silvered bones of the generations who build it.

 I bow my head walking in, surprising not only Esmée who keeps her head held high in pride, but also myself. Right, I shouldn't have expected years of practice to be forgotten with distance in a couple of months only. Hesitantly, I lift my head back up when the Mage nudges me with her elbow. Immediately, I catch sight of my Father sitting on his -elevated seating that is miserable chair compared to the throne I saw back at the Dynastra Palace.

They haven't changed.

He's as prideful as always, his greying hair that was once of a platinum blond is kept short, the frown on his lips more pronounced as he notices the laid-back body language of those who barged into his territory unexpectedly. I don't look away when he's eyes meet mine, and keep my gaze on him. Neutral, void of any emotions that could be my weakness. Just like he taught me. His glare remains on me for a while, before examining the rest of the crew, and I take the opportunity to look over at Mother. 

Appearing young next to her ageing husband, she looks exactly the same as when I left, if not even more pepped up. From her, I look away as soon as she takes notice of my presence. The judgmental way in which her eyes stiffly go over my entire form, drinking in every strand of dissolved hair, the dirt I'm covered in to my calves, and the remaining golden blood at the corners of my mouth, making me aware of how horrendously she would have scolded me was it not for me being a traitor to her family. 

Was it not for this humble one being surrounded by a circle of high power and authority.

"Commanders," Father finally speaks to the confident trio, completely ignoring the rest of us.

"We're truly honoured to see that the King send his trusted men to attend our son's coming-of-age ceremony," he admits smiling when really, he's insinuated that the King should've come himself.

You're playing a dangerous game you're bound to lose, Father. The tables have turned, and you're neck is too far up in your arse to see it.

"We made sure to have accommodations prepared for you, please excuse the hastiness of our preparations," Mother continues, her words sweet compared to the meaning of them.

"You could've send us a notice of your presence sooner," is what she really means.

"Thank you, Lord," Sir Aries says with an unwavering strength, "However, we didn't only come here to celebrate the future Lord's coming- of- age. We would like to have a word with you about the troops that tried to break through your border during the last few months."

"Of course! We can hold a meeting before the ball, tomorrow. In the meantime, our footman shall escort you to your chambers. Please enjoy your evening, diner that will be served at dusk." We all nod our heads curtly, and I'm about to turn around when Father calls for me.

"I would like to have a word with my daughter if you please."

He probably wants to threaten me to come back, if not order me to seduce the King for his favours. It's of no matter, as long as it's beneficial for us stay here, I should just go with it.

I'm about to walk closer to the thrones when an arm holds me back.

"The Princess still has matters to discuss with us."

"You must understand that-"

"Yes, I'm sure you and many more miss her," the first in command cuts off again, "And you'll get the chance to talk to her, at diner. With us." Without waiting for Father's answer, he gives me a look that promises no good if I oppose him, not knowing that for this one time, I don't have anything against him saving me from a reunion with my parents. So, as the obedient Princess I was raised to become, I silently walk out with the rest of the crew on my heels. Adonis the only one being decent enough to quickly thank my parents for their hospitality.

"Well, That went surprisingly smoothly,"He jokes as we walk to the East Wing, were all the guest rooms are.

"'Smoothly' my ass, I could practically see the steam coming out of his ears," Damien adds, making the others join in on their mockery. I don't participate, keeping my eyes on the footman who tries to pretend not to hear, or care, for our conversation, when I know well enough each and every word spoken between now and when we reach our rooms will be passed on to Father.

"What do you think Pandora? You think they're keeping something from us?" I turn my head slightly, looking at Eliza sideways before nodding towards the footman.

"I know that they're nervous enough about our presence to send out their most trusted dog to overhear our conversations." My words loud enough for the man in a couple of feet from us to hear, the group watching his neck turn to a silver blush.

"We can just cut his tongue off when it comes down to it," Sir Ciaran says melodiously, smirking when the blush turns into a fearing paleness. Arriving at the hall were we will be residing for the next two nights, I can hear the sigh of relief from the spy when the men close the door behind them after entering their rooms, sparing him of his tongue. I'm about to enter Esmée's room with her, when I'm grabbed by the arm. I turn to look at the same footman who was trembling in fear a second ago, now sneering down at me with arrogance.

"You will be staying in your old chambers," he orders, his impedance making me laugh sarcastically. In the past, I always turned a blind eye to his obvious disrespect. After all, he is Father underling. But now, times have changed.

And so have I.

With no one in sight, I let my claws grow, the amber in my eyes burning golden when I grab him by the neck. Throwing him against the wall, I watch as his head concussion leaves traces of silver ichor on the stone wall. Walking closer to him, I bend over him until my mouth is close enough to whisper without having to feel the heat of him.

"Is your old age finally catching up to you and have you become deaf? That's the only way I can imagine you daring to showing such disrespect towards me after the Commander has taken the time to tell you what would happen if you were to ever forget your place," I murmur, she and I enjoying the smell of fear radiating from him.

"Y-Your parents w-will-" circling my fingers around his neck again, I dig my claws deeply in his flesh, enjoying the helpless way in which he trashes around.

"The Lord and his wife," I correct him, ignoring his silent cries, "have lost all say about me the moment I stepped out of their lands." I know the rest can hear me from their rooms, and I'm grateful they don't interrupt this moment of redemption. I keep him like this for another minute, before letting him go to scurry off hurriedly when I decide that I've scared him enough. 

I take a couple of breaths to calm myself, before knocking on Esmée's door, enjoying the time spend with her more than I'd be comfortable to admit. Learning more about my roots than the people here would ever bother explaining.

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