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Currently we see Issei waking up in a field of transcendent blue flowers that glow a beautiful azure blue

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Currently we see Issei waking up in a field of transcendent blue flowers that glow a beautiful azure blue. The sky was dark but was filled with beautiful brilliant stars that looked to be filled with so much hope and dreams of so many beings from around the world and the air felt so pure and peaceful. Just the feeling of the wind blowing on the brown haired boy's neck put the boy at ease as if what just occurred to him a few minutes ago never happened. But there was one question that remained on the brown haired boy's mind and that was...

Issei:*curious* Where am I?

???:*serious* This is Avalon.

Issei:*startled* Huh!?

When Issei looked to see where the voice came from, what stood in front of the boy was a large Western Dragon that was several meters in size and was covered in beautiful silver and gold scales that were sharp as blades. Even its wings looked as if it could be used as weapons given how sharp they looked. It has two large, golden horns. Its tail ends in three large, movable prongs that can be used to grab small prey. The Dragon's overall figure looked as if it was a knight in shining armor given how sturdy the plating his scales were even more so than Ddraig when the brown haired boy first met him in his true form. The Dragon had deep crimson blood red eyes that didn't give off the feeling of being evil or wicked but it was filled more with passion. The aura that the dragon naturally released was that of nobility of the highest degree, even Issei who still didn't know who this dragon had the urge to instinctively bow respectfully in front of the mighty beast.

Issei:*in awe* It's you!

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Issei:*in awe* It's you!

???:*smiles softly* It's good to see you as well, Issei Hyoudou.

Issei:*sadden* Well, I'm pretty sure I won't be calling myself Hyoudou pretty soon, huh?

???:*sadden* I see...Then please forgive me.

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