Chapter 13

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    I slowly began to open my eyes, my vision still slightly blurred. I began looking around the room, my vision became clear, and I could see all the colors around me. Meaning I was in my human state. It was cold, the floor was cold, the air was cold. It was dark.

    I was in the dungeon, my mom was in one corner, leaning on the wall, and Clara's body was in another corner. I couldn't register it all.

    "So, was it fun?" She asked, referring to the woman I killed. "N-no..." I stuttered. "Oh but it was! You really were enjoying yourself!" She replied with a twisted smile. "Shut up! That wasn't me! That was the monster you made me into!" I screamed, my tears falling to the cold concrete. "Mmm... Made you into... that implies that is who you are now. It was you. And you loved it." She said, tormenting me. "Shut up! That's a lie! You're a lie! My whole life has been a lie because of you!" I screamed, the sounds echoing throughout the stone room. "Oh so sad though, you killed her in vain. You didn't even take her soul, you need those to survive, you know" she said.

    I cried harder as those words pounded against my skull, repeating themselves over and over again. "Don't worry honey, I took her soul for you." she said, grabbing a small box from the floor. The box was falling apart, soaked with blood. "You didn't harm her soul, so don't worry! You just barely missed it!" She said happily. "W-where was that?" I asked, looking at the box. "Oh, right! Souls are in people's hearts. Only monsters such as ourselves can see them." She said, tracing the area on my chest my heart was in with the tip of a sharp blade. "What if someone gets a heart transplant...?" I asked. "Oh, the souls don't survive long once the heart stops working. When they get a new heart, their body tries its hardest to recreate the same soul as before, but for the most part, they have to start all over! Make a new soul from scratch. You've only been asleep a few minutes, this soul has about an hour left before it... Goes. If you don't take it I will." She replied.

    "I'm... I'm human!" I yelled. "Hm... I suppose you are right now." She said. Before I knew it she drove the knife into my heart, and pulled it the sharp object out. I screamed at first, then the pain stopped. My vision went black and red again, and I saw a bright orb on the tip of the blade, soaked with blood. I put my hand over my chest, the wound had healed already. I looked over at the box, then back at my mom. The orb was gone. "I left a sliver of it there, don't worry. I'll leave you to that soul, you don't have long to choose!" She said, walking out of the room.

    I looked at the box, I could smell it. The blood, her soul, I craved it, but what would that make me to take it? I'd be a monster. I might not be able to come back to my human form. I grabbed the blood soaked box, grabbing the heart inside. It didn't bother me much, I picked my knife up off the ground. I guess my mom took it too when she brought me down here. I stabbed at the heart, over and over, little, black, bright sparkles appeared on the knife every time. It amused me. What now?

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