x Chapter Four x

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Floating in front of Arthur was a sleek black painted ship that glistened in the sun light just like the sea. It was already exploding with life as certain people were already working on board, all wearing the Gaia Royal Navy uniform. Already, Arthur knew Ivan and his older sister, Katyusha. He heard that they had a younger sister before she was taken away from them by pirates, it happened quite some years ago, but it still left a nasty scar on their hearts. He also knew Yao who was running away from Ivan, and also Feliks who was just minding his own little thing.

Walking aboard the ship, Arthur couldn't help but to gasp at the sight of the fleet of smaller ships floating around the one that he was currently on. All of them were bustling with life and workers. The sea was shimmering and the sails were all hoist up. There were some mages casting spells of protection of some sorts on the ship, and others would be enhancing the power of the canons.

It was like if the fleet was going for war, it seemed as though the king was taking the pirate hunt seriously. Perhaps a bit too seriously.

"Kiku," muttered Arthur as he held onto the edge of the ship whilst peering into the light sea, "is the king around here?"

"Ah, sorry but no Ouji-sama. Osama has been busy with recent plans," informed Kiku quietly as he gently hinted for Arthur to follow him.

They walked through the deck of people before arriving at the captain's cabin. The place was dimly lit, with the curtains closed and old and new maps sprawled out all over the wooden desk that was placed by the window. There was a wall decorated with weapons and the door had patterns carved into it. A strange coat hanger sat by the desk, but it had even stranger charms dangling from it.

"We have the best captain leading this hunt in the kingdom, he was a former pirate, but now he understands his wrongs and is doing deeds to correct them," spoke Kiku stoically as Arthur stared at the figure that sat on the seat by the desk.

Around everyone, there was an aura, indicating what they were; whether they were a mage or human or something else entirely. But besides that, the aura would also show the amount of sins that the person has done through out their lives. The darker their aura is, the more evil they have done, while on the other hand, the brighter their glow is, the more good they have done.

All you had to do to see a person's aura would be to focus as much of your power as you could into your eyes, and just from there, you should be able to see the glow of an aura emitting from the person.

The captain was fiddling with a rose and he wore a tight top, showing off some muscle, he seemed like a flirt was the first thing that Arthur noticed. But he also looked strangely young, there was an odd vibe coming off from him. Closing his eyes, Arthur kept silent as he tried to detect what that vibe that emitted from the man was, but as he opened his eyes, he almost winced at the darkness of the man's soul. It was a murky brown colour, but there was also glimmers of gold in it.

"Mage," whispered Arthur with a bit of shock as the man nodded his head with a smile.

"I'm a Roma Antiqua, one of the best pirates of all time and now one of the best sailor within the Royal Navy~ The ladies love the title," grinned the man lightly as his brown eyes sparkled.

"You're also a mage," stated Arthur as Roma laughed breezily whilst Kiku just stood by the prince's side quietly.

"Yes, yes! I am a mage as well, an aquamancer to be more precise, though that is a secret~ I must know how to use some sort of magic to be able to fight, and also to enhance myself, how else would I look so youthful?" Beamed the man as he winked towards the small prince.

"We will be departing in half an hour now," informed Kiku, his voice startling quiet.

"Alright then, I wish to be taken to my room then," ordered Arthur as he glanced at the captain once more before following Kiku.

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