Chapter 12: Everlie

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As Everlie strolled down the halls of Foxfire, she noticed two of her friends, Calla and Carl, deep in conversation. Curious, she made her way towards them and greeted Calla with a warm smile, "Hi Calla!" Calla returned the smile and greeted her back, "Oh hey Eve!" With a friendly tone, Everlie asked Calla about her first class of the day, "What do you have first?" Calla's face fell, "I have Alchemy, unfortunately!" Everlie groaned in response, "Ugh, I know how you feel. I have it too." The three friends continued to chat for a while, discussing their shared dislike for Alchemy and their plans for the upcoming weekend.

Carl turned to his friends and announced, "Well, I'm going to go find Oralie!" before walking away. Calla watched him leave and called out a cheerful "Bye!". Once he was out of sight, she turned back to Everlie and asked, "Shall we go to class together?" Everlie, who had been standing quietly nearby, nodded in agreement. The two girls then began to walk to their next class, continuing to chat about their plans for the weekend.

As they entered the classroom, Everlie and Calla made their way to their seats and sat next to each other. Moments later, Lady Alvin, their teacher, walked in and addressed the class, "Good morning, everyone! Today, we have some special guests. The Year Sixes will be joining us for the day!" 

Upon hearing this, Everlie let out a sigh and mumbled, "Great," while Calla groaned and asked, "Why do they always have to join us?!" Lady Alvin scolded them, "Now, now, let's be polite to our guests. They are here to learn, just like us." 

Everlie rolled her eyes at the remark and muttered under her breath, "I doubt that," but remained quiet as Lady Alvin continued with the day's lesson.

As the Year Sixes walked into the classroom, Everlie's eyes scanned the crowd for any familiar faces. That's when she spotted her older brother, Kenric, and his friends. A feeling of dread washed over her as Kenric started to make his way towards her. 

"Hey, Eve!" Dawn greeted her with a smile, taking a seat next to Everlie. Niko sat in the middle of the Dawn and Kenrice and Kaya took the seat next to Kenric. Everlie, however, was still hesitant to engage with her brother. They had always been close, but lately, he had been skipping classes and getting into trouble. 

Everlie sat in her seat, staring blankly at her textbook as the professor began the lecture. Her mind, however, was preoccupied with thoughts of Calla. She couldn't help but marvel at the resemblance between Calla and her mother, particularly their beautiful teal eyes. It was as if they were mirror images of each other, from their striking eyes to their lustrous hair and even their unique abilities. Despite her best efforts to focus on the lesson, Everlie found herself lost in daydreams about Calla and the uncanny resemblance she shared with her mother.

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