Chapter 6: Bonus Chappie

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( So I decided to do a bonus chappie! Also, this was @evie44c's idea.)

So we have Mrs. Foster's bonus chapter!!!

Sophie had just come back from an important meeting with the council. As soon as she entered the house, she greeted Keefe and asked him how his day went. Keefe seemed excited to see her and immediately asked her how the meeting had gone. Sophie responded that it was okay, but she had learned that Fitz still didn't know whether the group they had been looking for had returned or not. Sophie had been hoping for a more positive outcome, so she was naturally disappointed.

Just then, she heard someone calling her name from behind. It was Oralie, Everlie, and Kenric, who had come to visit. Niko also stepped out from the shadows and greeted Sophie. Kenric was excited to announce that they were planning a sleepover. Sophie then asked Oralie if she had any telepathy homework, to which she replied that she didn't think so and ran inside.

Sophie then turned to Everlie, who asked if she could practice her abilities on Kenric. Keefe replied in the affirmative, but Sophie was hesitant to allow it. Unfortunately for Everlie, she did not have the same persuasive skills as Oralie, and Sophie said no. However, Everlie was determined to test her powers on Kenric and quickly ran upstairs, ignoring Sophie's refusal.

Sophie bolted towards Everlie, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew she had to stop her before she did something mischievous. "EVE! GET BACK HERE!" she shouted, but it was too late. Everlie had already darted into Kenric's room and started making him dance like a monkey.

Niko couldn't believe his eyes. He stood there, stunned, for a moment before he burst out laughing. "Oh my god!" he chuckled, his stomach shaking with every laugh. Kenric, on the other hand, was not amused. He pouted, clearly unhappy about being tricked into dancing like that.

Sophie couldn't help but laugh too, despite feeling a little guilty for not being able to stop Everlie in time. She watched as Kenric continued to pout, but eventually, even he couldn't resist the humour of the situation.

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