Chapter 9: Kaya

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Chappie 9 yay!!!!!!

As Kaya and Dawn strolled towards the ice cream shop, Kaya's eyes caught sight of Mia, Diana, and Rick who were already there. She let out a sigh, and pointing towards them, she said, "Dawn, look over there." Dawn followed Kaya's gaze and saw the group. Her face creased into a frown, and she muttered, "Ugh, not them." 

After noticing Dawn's reaction, Kaya tried to cheer her up and said, "Your parents are inside the shop, though." A smile lit up Dawn's face, and she exclaimed, "Oh yeah! Let's go!" Dawn and Kaya arrived at the shop where they were stopped by Mia, Diana, and Rick.  Mia was the first to speak, "Well, well, well, look who it is! Little Dawnie!" she said with a sneer. Diana and Rick laughed along, making it clear that they were on Mia's side.

Dawn felt a pang of frustration and anger at the sight of them. She had been bullied by Mia and her gang for years, and she was not about to let them get the best of her today. She stood her ground and glared at Mia, who continued to taunt her, "You look as pathetic as ever!" Diana chimed in, "I see you brought a little friend with you too!" 

Kaya, who had never really encountered Mia and her gang, looked at Dawn with a confused expression. Dawn quickly realized that Kaya was feeling uncomfortable and decided to take charge of the situation, "Move, Mia," she said firmly. 

"What if I said no?" Mia smirked. 

"My parents own this shop," Dawn said, grinning. It was true, Dawn's parents did own the shop

"Really? Oh, sorry," Diana said and moved to the side, allowing them to pass. 

Dawn stuck her tongue out at Mia, who also moved aside, and dragged Kaya into the shop. Once inside, Dawn breathed a sigh of relief. She knew that she had to be careful around Mia and her gang, but for now, she was just happy to have escaped their clutches. Kaya let out a relieved sigh as she watched Mia leave, "Wow, you handled that like a pro," she complimented Dawn. "Thanks," Dawn replied, "I've had to confront her before." 

As the two friends approached the counter, they were greeted by Linh, Dawn's mother, who welcomed them warmly. Marella, Linh's wife, also emerged from the back to greet the girls. They asked about the girls' day at school, and Kaya shared that she had failed her history test. Linh empathized with Kaya, telling her that she also struggled with history when she was younger but had eventually improved.

Just then, Tam, Dawn's uncle, arrived at the shop unexpectedly. He explained that he and Zayna had to go on a mission and needed someone to watch their son, Niko. Linh offered to have Niko stay with them, and Tam agreed. As he left the shop, he flipped off Dawn's grandparents, who had also unexpectedly shown up.

Dawn turned to her friend Kaya and spoke in a hushed tone, her expression tense and worried. "I think we should leave," she said, "with my grandparents here, there will be a huge fight most probably!" 

Kaya noticed the urgency in her friend's tone and nodded in agreement. As they turned to leave, they said goodbye to Linh, who was staring intently at her parents. 

As they stepped out into the cool evening air, Kaya looked at Dawn expectantly. "Where to now?" she asked. Dawn furrowed her brow, lost in thought for a moment before an idea struck her. "Want to get a dress from Mrs. Diznee's shop?" she asked her friend, a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth. 

Kaya's face lit up with excitement. "Sure!" she said, and they set off down the street, their footsteps echoing on the pavement as they chatted and laughed together. They talked about everything and nothing, their conversation peppered with silly jokes and fond memories. 

Finally, they reached their destination, a small shop nestled in between two larger buildings. The sign above the door read "Mrs. Diznee's Dresses" in bright, sparkling letters. With a sense of anticipation, they pushed open the door and stepped inside, ready to browse the racks and find the perfect dress.

As they entered, Biana greeted the girls with a friendly "Hello!" Kaya greeted Mrs. Diznee and Dawn was too busy admiring the dresses to say much. Biana asked how she could help and Dawn asked if there was a red and blue dress available. Biana confirmed that there was and took Dawn to see it. Meanwhile, Kaya searched through the pink, yellow, blue, and purple dresses. When Dawn came back, she showed Kaya the dress she had found and Kaya complimented it, saying it looked stunning.

Dawn's dress:

Dawn was smiling as she turned to Kaya and asked if she needed any help

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Dawn was smiling as she turned to Kaya and asked if she needed any help. Kaya, feeling a little lost, responded that she couldn't find any dresses that she liked. Biana, who was nearby, overheard the conversation and frowned, thinking about how she could help Kaya. Suddenly, an idea struck her and she said, "Hmm, I can see you in purple!" She took Kaya down an aisle where there were a plethora of purple dresses. Biana stopped at a particular spot where there were numerous beautiful purple dresses and handed one to Kaya. "Try this one!" she said. 

Kaya quickly changed into the dress and looked at herself in the mirror. She couldn't believe how amazing she looked. Biana, who had been waiting outside the fitting room, appeared and looked at her. "It looks great!" she said, admiring the dress on Kaya. Kaya smiled at the compliment and said, "Thanks! I'm getting this!" with a sense of excitement and satisfaction.

Kaya's dress:

Kaya's dress:

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As they walked out of the boutique, bags in hand, the two teenage girls excitedly chatted about their new purchases. They had each found the perfect dress for the upcoming dance and couldn't wait to show them off. After a brief discussion, they decided to head over to Kenric's house. 

Kotlc kids (DISCONTINUED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora