Chapter 2: Oralie

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Oralie's heart leapt with joy as she spotted Carl walking towards her. She had been eagerly waiting to see him for a whole week! Carl was Oralie's closest friend from class, and she cherished every moment spent with him. The two friends shared a unique bond, and their conversations were always filled with laughter and joy. Oralie was looking forward to catching up with Carl and hearing all about his latest adventures. As Oralie walked towards Carl, her steps quickened with anticipation and a smile spread across her face. She had been looking forward to seeing her friend all day, and the mere thought of catching up with him filled her with excitement.

"Hey, Oralie! How are you?" Carl greeted her warmly, his own smile mirroring hers.

"I'm great! How about you?" Oralie replied, her voice filled with genuine enthusiasm. She felt happy and content just being in Carl's company.

"I'm bored!" Carl complained, his tone changing. "I've been stuck at home studying for the test on Friday! I don't even like Elvin History!"

Oralie empathized with Carl's predicament, understanding the stress he was under with upcoming tests. However, she was grateful that she didn't have to worry about any exams at the moment. She listened attentively as Carl expressed his frustrations, determined to offer him some comfort and solace. 

After hearing him out, Oralie came up with an idea to lift Carl's spirits. "Well, do you want to get some ice cream at Atlantis after school to cheer you up?" she asked her best friend. Carl's face lit up with excitement at the thought of ice cream. 

Oralie's mom, Sophie, had introduced ice cream to the lost cities and Linh, one of Sophie's friends, had set up an ice cream parlour in Atlantis. It was conveniently located right next to Carl's mom's clothing shop, making it the perfect spot for an after-school treat. 

With a plan in place, Oralie and Carl left for school, looking forward to the end of the day when they could enjoy some delicious ice cream together.

Oralie walked into the majestic halls of Foxfire, the elite school for elves. Her eyes scanned the crowd until she caught sight of Dawn and Mia, two students engaged in a heated argument. Dawn was known to be the daughter of the famous couple, Linh and Marella, while Mia was infamous for her bullying behaviour, just like her mother, Stina. "Oh, shut up, Dawn!" Mia huffed and walked away, leaving Dawn seething with anger. 

Suddenly, Kiara, a level 8 student, walked up behind Mia, her eyes ablaze with fury. "Mia Endal! Well, well, well! Listen here, you brat. Leave my sister alone and go die in a pool of pity! At least she has good powers!" Kiara's voice echoed through the hall as she stood up for her sister. Mia was taken aback by Kiara's boldness, and she turned around, screaming, "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?" But Kiara didn't back down. "I said, leave my sister alone!" she raised her voice, determined to defend her sibling's honour. 

Mia's goonies stood behind her, watching the scene unfold, unsure of what to do. Mia, realizing that she was outnumbered, huffed and stalked off with her head held high, followed by her group of followers. Dawn and Kiara exchanged a nod, relieved that the confrontation was over, as they went their separate ways.

Oralie and Carl had witnessed the heated argument between the two girls, and they were both taken aback by the intensity of it. "Wow, Kiara usually watches the argument!" Carl exclaimed, expressing his surprise. Oralie nodded in agreement, equally shocked. The two friends walked to their classroom together, discussing what they had just witnessed.

As they entered the classroom, Oralie caught sight of her sister Everlie and Calla, Carl's twin sister. Everlie didn't seem too happy to see her sister. "Why are you always where I am?" she grumbled. Calla immediately came to Oralie's defence. "Eve, don't be mean! She's your sister!" she scolded.

Just then, the teacher, Mrs. Emerline, walked in and announced that Level Six would be joining their class that day. Oralie looked over and saw her brother's class entering the room. Kenric, Dawn, and Niko were all in the same level and class. It was going to be an interesting day, and Oralie couldn't help but wonder what would happen next. She lowered herself onto the chair, feeling the cool wood against the back of her legs. Carl was already there, absorbed in his book. She took a deep breath of the fresh morning air and looked out of the window. She couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation, wondering what the day held in store for her. Would it be another mundane day or would something exciting happen? The possibilities seemed endless as she sat there, lost in her thoughts.

( Everlie next!)

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