Hollyberry Cookie + Fem!Child!Reader

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Haha! Take that, shady noble!

My first mission was what you would call a success. The shady guy didn't notice me all along and wasn't able to assasinate the people, or any of the royals. And the princess contest continued. However, I was imagining he would not give up that easily. I blended in with the surrounding Cookies to make sure none of the noble's minions were around. Then, I left the contest and followed him in secret.

Seems like he is feeling risky, because he just entered the dragons chambers, where Hollyberry Cookie's old foe is found. Ugh, I'll take care of them another day. Anyway, I hid behind a pillar to hear their conversation without being noticed. They were talking about queen Jungleberry Cookie.

"Her sudden obedience, and how she keeps bringing you this... berry juice... It worries me greatly that she might be plotting something." "Oh? Are you sssaying that Jungleberry Cookie is ssscheming against me?" She isn't! "Oh no, no... What can I, a humble servant, possibly know? But it is likely she thinks you're in the palm of her hand." Humble servant? Yeah right! "ME? The Great Dragon... in the palm of her PUNY hand?! HA! Preposssterous! I've changed my mind. I will no longer tolerate this insssolence! GRAAH!" What?! The dragon will attack the contest! I must warn the people...

However as I arrived at the ballroom it was already too late. A roar was heard. The giant greenish red dragon ripped open the castles roof and scared the Cookies around, also, I saw the shady noble's minions swarm out like bees and attack everyone. I quickly used my ability to put them into cages, stopping them from their evil doing. Another loud roar.  Time to take care of the dragon now! A few Cookies are already at it.

I... lost?! Well, the dragon didn't burn me to a crisp, but I was so distracted with it I wasn't able to keep the shady noble's minions in their cages! Now, they had captured me and tied me to a tree with a rope, much to my dismay. The 'great' mind behind this walked up to me, his lips curling up into a smile of victory. "Well, well. A little girl, thinking she can stop my plans. You are suprisingly strong, but ya shouldn't try to play the hero when I'm the villain..." I gritted my teeth in anger. Little girl?! Who does he think he is?! "What is it that you want anyway?" "Hm, it's not like you'll escape to tell anyone. Alright. I come from house cranberry. Times were poor once,  but I eventually started a buisness that I made lots of money from. However, my family never thanked me, they just made profit from me. They never looked at me..."

Woah.. that's uh... quite a story. Not a reason to assasinate an entire kingdom though. Although, the shady noble was totally beat up by four other Cookies. Those I recognize as queen Jungleberry Cookie, Princess Cookie and Raspberry Cookie. The fourth... was that..? Oh, yes it was! This was queen Hollyberry Cookie, I had heard lots of stories about her. Raspberry Cookie untied me and instead did that to the bad guys, all of them. I grinned. "Not so fun being tied to a tree, is it?"

Later on, some of the other contestants joined us. Cranberry Cookie froze. "Dark Cranberry Cookie?! What are you doing, brother?!" She was furious, and kept on slapping him in the face until the guards arrived to arrest the bad guys. Hollyberry Cookie seemed impressed by my observation skills as I told her about how I had been following Dark Cranberry Cookie. And as a reward she... adopted me?!

That is how the Hollyberry Kingdom refound its glory. And needless to say, the princess contest was unnecessary, since the princess returned home, and a second one was found as well...

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