DarkMagic!Introvert!Sniper!M!Reader x TCC

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(By the way, TCC = Triple Cone Cup)


Hm... Triple Cone Cup? Interesting. A competition between the champions of the Créme Knights, Parfaedia, and Scovillia. Sadly I can't compete myself, that would've been cool. I use a sniper as main weapon for long distances so I myself can stay hidden. The bullet used to shoot with it is created by me, using dark magic. However should it come to a one-on-one battle, I also have a knife. Nothing can beat me and my abilities. Since I can use combat in a fight and am very fast. But anyway, it might turn out fun to watch, I'm definitely going. However, it could be hard to get in. This seems like a very rare event, so no Cookie would wanna miss it. Well, since it's in the arena on the mountain, I could just stand on one of the columns. That way I could watch in peace without Cookies screaming directly in my ear. Luckily I know the way there.

Finally here. I managed to sneak to one of the columns, now no one can disturb me. Let's see, did I have everything? My sniper, a small piece of paper that holds the spell of the magic bullet, and my knife. Yup! And there's already the champions! Kouign-Amann Cookie, Prune Juice Cookie and Capsaicin Cookie. Seems like they are prepared for the first trial. May the witches guide their path.


The three contestants have all made it well through the trials so far. However a golem has broken into the arena! It's way larger than the one from the last challenge! And it looks slightly different too. Every Cookie was told to evacuate, and they all did just that. But Capsaicin Cookie, Prune Juice Cookie, and Kouign-Amann Cookie are trying to take on the creature. Even with their combined strengths, I doubt they will make it. Just a small step of the golem's gigantic foot made the whole arena shake. They seem to have trouble already. I need to help!

I got into position and took out my sniper. For a moment, I thought I'd need the paper with the spell and already reached into my pocket. Although....no. This'll have to contain all the power I can muster up! And for that, the spell has to come from heart. Imagining the bullet with all my focus, I could feel it form in my weapon, ready to be fired. With my eyes closed, I took a deep breath in and counted to three. Then, I shot.

The golem was hit right in its chest, where I heard the champions argue was the location of the core. A blinding light set across the arena, in the midst of it the beast. It was crumbling! Yes! Smoke slightly came out of the tip of my weapon. When the light faded, all that was left of it were big crumbs and the ground. Voices of all Cookies rose in astonishment and confusion. They didn't seem to know it was me who helped them. Good. I stood up and wanted to make my way to leave, when suddenly...

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" Huh? "YES! YOU, WITH THE E/C EYES AND H/C HAIR!" Turning around, I noticed Gelato Trio Cookie shouting at me. He motioned for me to come down. Reluctantly, I went down the arena to him and the champions. All Cookie's eyes were on me, I could feel it. As soon as I was standing next to them, the moderator asked me my name. Then he yelled into his mic again. "EVERYONE GIVE IT UP FOR C/N COOKIE!! HE SAVED US FROM HE GOLEM WITH HIS AMAZING SNIPER SKILLS!" Ouch. Couldn't he be less loud?

All of a sudden, everyone started clapping. Every single Cookie. My chest filled with a feeling of pride. After staring for a while, even the three best students of their schools were cheering. Capsaicin Cookie fist bumped me. "Yeah! You showed them what it's all about!" Kouign-Amann Cookie giggled while Prune Juice Cookie just kept looking at me with a look of.. curiosity? Suprise? Then he gave me a nod of approval.

After cleaning up the arena, me and the champions exchanged numbers. Hm, have I really peeked their interest? Looks like it. However what I didn't know, was this interest was a lot bigger than I thought. And all three of them hoped to become friends with me and eventually more than that.

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