Clotted Cream Cookie&Financier Cookie + Fem!Demon Child!Reader

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Another day of being a demon in the Creme Republic. Just heard and saw ghosts, summoned some fellow demons and talked to them about random stuff. Sometimes they annoy me a lot. I know they are always there for me, but spirits can't take care of a child, can they? Other Cookies think I am just a crazy kid, talking to imaginary friends. But it's not like that! I wish I could tell someone the truth.

Currently I was in the midst of the republic, with a lot of Cookies around. I'm hella booooreed. My ancestors got no fun game to play today. Why does it have to feel so lonely?! You don't need anyone. A demon whispered in the back of my head. For some reason those words made tears prick in my E/C eyes. Shut up! Don't cry in front of others! Maybe I should look by the plaza for some F/F. Walking in order to get to the plaza, I suddenly heard an angry shout. It came from the part of the building that the consul has councils with some 'Ancient Heroes'. Sounds like trouble. Perhaps I should go check. (AAH I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE BUILING IS)

I climb to one of the windows to get a good look of the inside. There was some big male with a sword arguing with the consul about 'soul jam'. I can sense the Cookie is about to attack. Clotted Cream Cookie is in danger! I quickly opened the window, jumping through and in front of the consul to block the attack. Luckily I can't really feel pain. Suddenly every Cookie in the room went silent and looked at me with a horrified look. I looked down to see my chest and stomach torn open and with jam spilling out. Damn, that looked  a little bad. Whatever, the spirits will treat it anyway. Now I realized my awkward situation, I tried to run out of the room casually without saying a word, but failed. 

A Cookie with a big hat and a blue stone on his chest ran up to me. Before I could say anything, he pushed me into a medical care room. I could hear Clotted Cream Cookie shouting for nurses and doctors. The Cookie who took me to the medical room introduced himself as Pure Vanilla Cookie. I reconized him as a healer because of the staff. Pure Vanilla Cookie asked a million times for me to not lose conciousness. However that is something I couln't promise him, as the wound can still affect my health. Especially how vital organs got struck. The last thing I remember is more healers entering, then I slipped into complete darkness.

I shot up from the bed and looked around the room. No one was here. It was slightly hard to breathe. Just now I noticed the bandages wrapped around my body. They were stained with jam. Doesn't matter. I need to get out of here, and fast! If I stayed, the spirits would be furious. I got out of the bed and stopped. The my ancestors told me there is an airship nearby. Perfect. I let them bring me there and make me invisible without being noticed by anyone. On the airship I heard that we were going further into the Creme Republic. Yes! I haven't seen all of it yet.

( A couple days later~)

It's been a couple days and I have been absolutely loving them! This part of the Creme Republic was way cooler! There was another plaza with a giant water fountain. A lot more cheap F/F and food in general. And finally, the castle, where the consul apparently resides. (AGAIN; I KNOW IT AINT NO CASTLE BUT IDK WHAT ELSE IT IS)

All of a sudden, the ground beneath my feet shook. I could see grim looking figures appear everywhere and attack the republicans. I quickly hid and summoned some demons to handle the situation. Now just to wait...

(Timeskip again)

That was quite easy. My demons beat the enemy. Now I was walking down the street to see... the consul! And all the other Cookies from that council. They were yet again, arguing abot that soul jam. Whatever it is anyway. But.. there was something off about that guy next to Clotted Cream Cookie. That was Custard Cookie, right? His father? I can sense something about him. Something... evil. That guy belongs in hell! Sounds crazy, but it's true! The demons agree. I immediatly attacked him. However he shouted "A dragon in disguise! Perish, you beast!" He ordered to attack me, but I was faster. My demons dragged him down to hell before anyone could react.

Clotted Cream Cookie turned to me in shock. "You... you're that little girl that-" I stopped him with a wave of hand and explained. I have decided that it's time someone found out. "And I have no one, except myself." I finished. The consul exchanged a glance with his bodyguard. "Perhaps it's time that changes. Me and Financier Cookie will adopt you." I froze. What?! In my mind, I asked the spirits what they thought. They said yes! I hugged the Cookies in front of me, too happy to speak.

And so I found my parents.

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