Chapter 1.2-.5

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Unknown P.O.V.

We were sailing though the East Blue on our way to the next island on the route to restock on supplies with a sharp sting shot up my arm from my right wrist. 

I jerked my arm up to see:

Dracule Mihawk

Pearl D. Autumn

Tattooed to my wrist...

Hawk-Eye...and wait! I know this devil fruit! It's a soul-mark. Seeing Hawk-Eye's name wasn't a surprise if I was honest with myself, but having another name... Pearl D. Autumn. 

Autumn, now that was a pretty name. "Mmmm.."

"Hey, Captain! You okay?" Benn yelled from across the deck of our ship. I just nodded and raised my arm up high in the sky to show the crew around me. "The Illusion Illusion Fruit has appeared once again!" I yelled




The crew crowded about to see as the Captain showed off his wrist. Two names tattooed to the inside of his arm.



"Yes, yes! Two marks! Told you guys I had a heart! Ha!" I looked down at my wrist, I wouldn't have to worry about Mihawk, I'm sure he'll find me. He always does... I worried for this Pearl D. Autumn. I had never meet her... We will need to start a search as soon as we are done on Dawn Island.

Even if we don't get together, that doesn't mean I would want something to happen to her just because she has a few names tattooed to her wrist.

I felt slightly sad at the idea of her even being ashamed of the names resting there, of covering them so that no one would see them. But shook it off, and turned back to my crew a smile spread across my face.

I placed my straw-hat on my head and said, "Looks like we have another adventure ahead of us! We will finish our vacation here at Dawn and then start the search!" 

"Aye Captain!" they bellowed back!




Unknown P.O.V.

As I sipped my tea and snapped open the paper in front of me, I began reading of the current news when a sharp burst of pain made me almost drop the tea I was holding. I looked down to see two names etching themselves into my flesh...

Pearl D. Autumn

Portgas D. Shanks

The Illusion Illusion fruit? Mmmm... I had never gotten to meet the last user of the fruit. I smiled slightly at the appearance of  Shanks' name, as I contemplated how to find the one with the name of Pearl D. Autumn...  


I've been debating on some of my ship ideas and wonder if I'm choosing wrong because another ships would be just as cute as others would be...*sigh*

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