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Man, dying is a serious bummer.

It wasn't anything crazy that killed me, mind you. But it was something that if I had the chance to change, I would have definitely gone out with a cooler ending. That's for sure.

With explosions, screaming, and chaos...

Yeah, definitely, chaos...

But it wasn't.





It had been quick, painless, really. Mmmm, actually, now that I think about it, I don't really remember it now that I've tried. Like a thought just outside of reach and at the tip of my tongue. 

Where am I?

But there was nothing... nothing at all.






Until I suddenly felt heavy like my soul or body (if I even have one right now) was sinking slowly in  water, when as if I had blinked I was in a white sterile hospital type room. Sitting in a chair with a person in front of me and a desk between us. They were a child with green hair and a shy but sweet smile. 

"Hello. I am Erth. I'm sorry that you were given to my division for re-casting." They said with soft smile, and tilt to their head.

"Re-casting? But-" I started to say.

Erth shook their head, "Yeah. My division specializes in reincarnations and the different levels that comes in."

Squinting at them as I processed what Erth had said, "There are um- levels to reincarnation?" I then asked hesitantly. That was news to me, honestly the whole reincarnation thing being real. That it was not just nothingness after death.

They nodded with a smile, "Oh, yes. There are many different types, and we do it based on different lives lived and points earned in different areas of your life."

"Wait. You grade my life, and then based on that, I could different levels to reincarnation?" I aske even more confused. It sounded like I was getting graded on how well my life turned out. Now I was growing concerned. What had they been looking for in my life, and what were the hidden tests?

They tilted their head, as they thought. "Well, it's really a mentality about life and self that we are looking for in a person. You fit the mentality to reincarnate and still be about to live a life after knowing that you are not from there originally or at another level might not have things that hold you to your previous life.

Oh? Well, that is an interesting way to get different levels of reincarnation, I guess.

"What is my level?" I asked nervously.

"Mmmm, let me see here," Erth reached into open air and pulled a file out of nothing. I blinked, and tried not to drop my jaw any lower, when Erth started noises while reading. I turn back to him, as he closes the file. "Well, you are a level 3. This gives us some wiggle room in the options that are available. First things first though, the Multiverse is real. Not exactly the way you know it, but all stories do have room for different paths to be taken" Erth started.

"Any? Like all books, or TV shows?" I questioned back. 

"Yes," Erth said with a nod, "but take note that it also incudes works from other universes."

"So there are places out there, that my world didn't invent, and that I would only know about them if I went to another world and found that information?" I asked. 

Erth nodded, "It can get pretty complicated, but yeah that's the main gist." 

I nodded, "Okay. Sooooooo, level 3?"

"As this is your first time, according to your file you are a Level 3, with the option to ask for up to five things for a new start as per standard of all level 3's. The next part is all you." Erth said while flipping the file in front of them.

"Umm.. No presser right?" I nervously chuckle and I try to think about what I want my future to be like.







I wanted magic, adventure, family, I wanted so much. 


"You seem to be struggling." Erth noted. "Could we talk through what's on your mind?" 

"Well, I- I. Well, there are so many things that I want but also... not." I shake my head slightly.

"No negatively now." Erth reprimanded and then continued with a question, "I know what you crave, do you want to find those things?" 

"Yes, I want the courage to grab what i want in life. Do you have options for that type of vague want?"

"Yes," Erth smiled softly. With that confirmation I wasn't as nervous anymore.

"Then, yes."

"Until next time." Erth said quietly and with a kind smile.


 This is a work in progress, with no time limit or idea about the future. 

Please no hate. I really try, and as much as I am creative, it's hard to write different points of view for me, or know what the characters should say.  

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