Chapter 1.1

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With full acceptance of embracing her life, I didn't really pay much attention to what was happening in the new world all to closely.  

I lived on a small island, in small village surround by mountains and forest land. It was peaceful, with occasional mountain bandits, whom for now were pretty easy to ignore as I was still just a child.

Unlike, mama.

I roll my eyes and shake my head at the thought of all the problems we kept getting into, but it would be okay. Like it always was.

 I had gotten into the hang of things, with my new life and the body limitations I now had as a child. That, however, did not stop me from going into the forest land almost daily, with nothing better to do then explore my new home island.

Today was like any other, as I walked into the forest land to gather different ingredients for sour evening meal and to restock on a few we had run out of.

I had been wondering the forest for while now, and had gone as far as normally dared. As I looking into the distance, I saw something shiny a few meters off and slightly behind something.

Unable to stop myself from trying to figure out what it was, I went forward into the thicker section of the forest. As I drew closer to the now slightly glowing (defiantly not shiny) object, I realized it was fruit.

How odd. I've never seen a fruit like that before. 

I've never felt so drawn to something before, not even realizing I had picked it up until it was in my hands. I studied the object in front of me, it was kind of like a banana. If a banana was white with swirling patterns, and a pink stem that had a heart at the end connecting the two fruits.

As odd as the fruit looked, it was still pretty tempting . Expectational as I hadn't eaten anything before coming out, as I knew I could find something while I was out gathering. Not thinking much about it, I peeled the white and pink banana. It would be better to try it now just in case it didn't taste good, and to note  if I ever came across it again.

I took a good bite out of the banana, and immediately went to spit it back out when a sudden rustle of leaves had me turning around to find a large boar also staring at me as though I had startled it.

I swallowed reflexively, and my eyes went huge as my left arm started burning, leaving behind two different names and making me realize what I had just done.

Monkey D. Luffy

Trafalgar D. Water Law

I blinked several times at the two names on my arm, when the boar came out of its shock at see me there and starting moving toward me. Feeling my eyes getting even larger at the danger in front of me, I immediately turned around, running as fast as I could in the opposite direction.




| Unknown POV |

As I hid in the chest Corazon had put me in, and tried to listen to the conversation going on around me, I then felt a sudden burning sensation on my left wrist. I slammed my hand against my mouth to stop from crying out, but just as quickly pain faded. 

I stared wide eyed as I read:

Fenn D. Mila

Monkey D. Luffy 

As I try to understand why there are names now printed on myself, there was the loud shot of a gun and body could be heard thudding to the ground. 




| Unknown POV |

I was sitting at Makino's bar, Partys Bar, drinking my juice when suddenly there was a burning sensation on my left wrist. Screaming dramatically, I stood up and started hopping up and down, "Oww ooowww, ow ow ow! It burns!" Then, like nothing happened it stopped, I stopped and stared down at two names printed on my wrist.

Fenn D. Mila

  Trafalgar D. Water Law

"Are you okay Luffy?" Makino asked worriedly as she came around the bar to inspect my arm. She then gasped at the words written there. "Luffy, you have soulmates."




| Main POV |

I did not out run the boar...

Because, I am in fact, now sitting at the top of a tall sturdy tree staring at said boar. Kind of hoping that it will leave now that it can't get me. Sigh. 

I looked at the names tattooed across the inside of my left wrist, and traced over them. This had happened after eating that weird banana. I face palmed myself so hard.

God, I was an idiot. I consumed a devil fruit. 

Because, of course I did.

Erth had placed me in One Piece. 

| A.N. |

Trafalger D. Water Law is 13.

Monkey D. Luffy is 7.

Fenn D. Mila is 5.

Just so everyone knows the ages currently.

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