Gilles: ''Of course not. Have you considered what you will to do with his holiness?''

Jeanne: ''............''

Gilles: ''My, oh my. Do you perhaps require a suggestion from me?''

Jeanne: ''Oh? You've noted distress in me in your infinite concern for my well-being? Perish these thoughts least I kill you...  When you eat a meal, do you think about how to use your fork? This is the same, what I decide to do with him is so trivial it does not merit any thought''

The one named Jeanne dismissed whatever worries her companion had for her, instead choosing to move and meet with someone, someone the woman kept waiting for long enough...

The church had much free space since no one besides them was present in it, and in one of those rooms a terrified man waited in silence. Clad in robes and holding a cross in hand, desperately so, the one held prisoner was a man of God.  A priest perhaps, but the quality of his robes showed he was of a greater status than a regular priest...

The door to his room opened, there the two appeared before him as the aging man turned in fear to gaze upon his captors.

Old Man: ''W-Who are you people? What do you want from me?! Answer me will you! You- E-Eep!''

The old man shouted in fear and anger, but his outburst was silenced as his gaze fell upon the woman. Her footsteps inched closer as her mouth twisted into a smirk.

Jeanne: ''Oh Pierre... Bishop Pierre Cauchon! How I have missed you!''

She spoke his name like an old comrade who had known the aging man for a long time, yet the old man did not share her enthusiasm. No, what he felt was rising dread in the pits of his stomach, his face turning white like he'd just seen a ghost.

Old Man: ''N-No... No! No! No! No! No! Impossible! THIS CAN'T BE!... You shouldn't be alive!''

Jeanne: ''Oh I can assure you; I am VERY much alive''

Old Man: '' I-I thought you died t-three days ago! I thought I killed you! I thought-''

Jeanne: ''{That I would be burning in hell}? Perhaps I am Your Grace''

Old Man: ''No... This is a dream! A nightmare! What else could this be?! A nightmare, that's all this is!''

Gilles: ''Oh dear, he's started to flee from reality. That won't do at all, we must snap him out of his delusion''

Something impacted the bishop in the back of the head, and as much as he'd want to not believe any of this is real, the pain was very real.

He had no choice but to face the truth, the one he himself had seen burn before his eyes,  the truth that stood in front of him as if the burning had never happened at all...

Jeanne: ''Well Your Grace? The one whom you accused of heresy, stands before you. Should you not grip your crucifix and offer a prayer?  Should you not mock me? Scorn me? Trample me? And tell everyone the wicked Jeanne is here?''

Old Man: ''Eiiieeeee!''

Jeanne: ''Should you not roar at me like the brave lion you're supposed to be? Go on, do it! Do it! Do it!''

Old Man: ''S... S-S-Spa...''

Jeanne: ''Louder, I can't hear you!''


The old bishop fell on his knees, his hands clasped together begging the woman looming over him for mercy. Tears streamed down his face; he'd abandoned the faith he stood for all for a desperate chance at salvation.

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