Olivia was easier to deal with. Transport and supervision wise, she was quiet - clearly. But she did as told, followed orders without protest and gave a simple nod of understanding when asked a question. 

However Ella, the loud one. Since the first week passed, she had come to realize that 141 going to supply a safe place and protection for her and her sister and had slowly let herself feel more comfortable. 

That meaning another side of her had come to surface, one that you struggled to deal with. When placed on rotation, taking over the job to watch her she was infuriating. Asking a million questions, all with obvious answers. 

She often had an opinion to share or a small fight to put up when ordered around. Not only that but a slight attitude and sarcasm was returned to you when asking her to do something. 

You had tried to ignore it, look past it. You wouldn't give her a reaction; you spoke with a tone dead voice and kept your eyes flat when holding her gaze. Something you'd noticed she did a lot, stared you down or at least tried. 

 At the end of the day you still had more authority over her and although you tried to hold back you couldn't help but rub it in her face a little after every fit she threw. Even if it was as simple as poking your tongue out at her. 

You couldn't resist, closing her door and flipping her off quickly. Overall, Olivia was the one you preferred to supervise. You'd think that Soap and Ella could chat for hours but just like you, Soap was usually supervising Olivia. 

As time passed on and the team went on missions, help from Ella was important and she did her part well, you'd credit her for that but with the now and recently earned freedom of them both on base property. 

You were bound to see her in the common room or walking around the office spaces. She was easy to ignore, you knew better than to fill your time with pointless arguments against inept people such as her. 

You let out a slow sigh, flopping back in your office chair as you met eyes with Ella leaning on your doorframe. She greeted you with a condescending smile like always, fakeness plastered on her face as she stepped forwards. 

You had grown accustomed to this, her in your personal space. You let her, but if she got too annoying you kicked her out much to her dislike. "What do you want?" you muttered, spinning your pen in your hand. 

"That's no way to greet someone." she said her eyes roaming the room before settling on you. "A sweet bonjour is always kind." she added, her French accent lightly coating her words. 

"Whatever Ella, what did you want- did someone need me or what?" you grunted, leaning on the desk as you dropped the pen back into its holder. 

She hummed gently, tracing a finger along the spines of your books. "Ghost wanted you." she says with a shrug. You nod, standing up with a soft grunt and guiding her to the door with a rough push. 

You shut your office door behind her and head off down the hall ignoring her angry mutters in French with a small eye roll. You pushed open Ghosts door and forced a smile that still displayed your annoyance. 

He looked up with a soft hum in greeting, "Ella said you asked for me?" you say, walking over to his desk as he nods. 

"Yeah, close the door?" he says, shifting a few things as you turn to close the door. Hearing the soft click as it does and taking the files he holds out. "C'mere." he says, pushing his chair back slightly and patting one of his thighs. 

You put the files down on his desk and walk over to him, he takes your wrist gently and chuckles softly. "What..?" you mumble with a small frown. 

"Get the files rook, I'll talk you through them." he says with light amusement in his voice. 

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