36: Plan

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Author's note:

Happy one year anniversary to this fanfic (I just saw now that it was released on the second of december 2022)😭

Anyway, I'm trying to finish this fanfic soon. I hope to finish it before 2024, cuz it's been up for so long and the uploads are so slow (I'm sorry)

But soon, the angst chapters will be over, I just want Kazuha and Heizou to be happy.

Enjoy ^^

„ Oh! How did you find out?", Kokomi gasped.

„ My mom accidentally said that you poured alcohol into my Fanta.", Kazuha said, „ And I have so many questions and want answers, because if I have proof, Heizou will know I'm not a cheater."

Kokomi took a deep breath.
„ Ask away.", she said as she smiled.

„ Why did my parents pay you? And why did you accept trying to break me and Heizou up?", Kazuha asked.

„ A few months ago, I was struggling with money. I didn't have enough money to pay the rent for my college flat. So I decided to apply for a small job. Your mom was hiring people, so I asked if I could work for her and was accepted. I worked there during the Christmas break. Once my job was finished, your mom walked up to me.", Kokomi explained, „ She said how her son was single and needed a girlfriend, and that she wanted us to meet. She offered me a great price, so I told my girlfriend and she said I should meet you but obviously not date you. Once she found out that you weren't dating a girl, she offered me a huge price deal for me to break you two up and I refused, but she forced me to and I couldn't say no. And Tomo and Mina were also pressuring me to go with the plan, since Tomo wants you to himself, and Mina thinks she has a chance with Heizou."

Kazuha was shocked.
„ Holy shit.", he gasped, „ So the night I kissed Tomo reallu was all planned?"

Kokomi nodded her head.
„ That's why you got drunk. The Fanta had alcohol in it, which made you drunk as you drank it quickly, and kissed Tomo thinking it was Heizou.", Kokomi said.

„ Do you think if you could tell Heizou what you just told me?", Kazuha said, „ I so badly want him to know the truth."

„ He sadly wouldn't believe us. We need to have good proof that will make him believe.", Sara said. Kazuha sighed.
„ We will think of something...eventually.", Kokomi said.

There was silence for a few seconds.

A few momemts later, Kazuha suddenly thought of an idea.
„ I kind of have an idea, but I don't know if it will work.", Kazuha said.

„ Well it's worth a shot, so go ahead.", Kokomi said.
„ Where are Tomo and Mina?", Kazuha asked.

„ Mina is in her dorm, and so is Tomo. He is in a wheelchair right now since Heizou hurt him pretty badly.", Kokomi explained.

„ Great, so they aren't near the holiday house.", Kazuha said, „ I need you Kokomi to meet up with those two."

Kokomi sighed.
„ I've felt really bad breaking you two up because of up ur parents and them, so I'm kind of avoiding them.", Kokomi said.
„ Just hear me out, then you can tell me if you still wanna go with the plan or not.", Kazuha said.

Kokomi nodded her head, interested in what Kazuha had to say.

Kazuha took a deep breath.
„ Itto and Heizou are pretty close, so we're gonna need Itto for the plan. Itto is going to go to Heizou's flat. He is going to find some way to get Heizou out of his flat for at least 15 minutes. Then, you're going to enter the flat with Tomo and Mina. And you're going to discuss Tomo kissing me. A few minutes later, Heizou will return to their flat, and walk in and overhear the conversation. He will know that I'm not a cheater and then, we'll get back together.", Kazuha explained.

Kokomi smiled.
„ That plan could actually work.", she said. She looked at Sara, who nodded her head.
„ I agree. We just need to find a way to get in touch with Itto, and I will have to contact Tomo and Mina.", Kokomi said.

„ I have Itto's phone number, so I could phone him and tell him the plan.", Kazuha said.
„ Great. I really hope this works.", Kokomi said smiling.

„ I'm confident that this will work.", Kazuha said smiling. All he could think about was getting Heizou back, so he wasn't going to give up.

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