15: Dottore

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Kazuha and Heizou were eating peacefully, waiting for Childe.

„ He's taking rather long!", Kazuha said, „ Do you think he's ok?"
„ He's probably pooping or something!", Heizou said.
„ Ew Heizou! That's gross!", Kazuha growled. Heizou laughed.

Suddenly, the couple noticed people standing up and taking out their phones.

„ What the hell is going on?", Heizou asked with a confused look on their face.
„ FIGHT! FIGHT!", people yelled, as people were cheering.

That moment, Kazuha's eyes opened widely.
„ I think I know who this is!", he nervously said as he grabbed his partner's hand.

They both raced over to the place where the fight was taking place.

Kazuha saw Childe and Dottore on the floor, hitting each other as if there was no tomorrow.

„ Oh no! Dottore must have caught Childe chatting to Scara!", Kazuha said to Heizou.
„ Yeah!", Heizou nervously said.

The fight continued, where both boys were beating each other up.

„ STOP FIGHTING!", a voice yelled.

Everyone put their phones down and stopped cheering.
Scaramouche was standing there, with an angry look on his face.
Dottore stood up and smiled.

„ Babe! Hey!", Dottore said.
„ What the hell? Why are you hitting Childe?", Scaramouche asked his boyfriend.
„ Well, he spoke shit about you!", Dottore lied, „ And as your loving boyfriend, I defended you and then, he started hitting me!"

Childe stomped down his foot.
„ LIAR!", he yelled, „ Scara, I was defending you. Dottore is not who you think he is!"
„ Oh do shut up!", Dottore yelled as he started to beat Childe up again.

That moment, he took out his fist and hit Childe right in the eye.

Childe screamed in pain.
„ Serves you right!", Dottore laughed.
„ What on earth is going on here?", a voice asked.

A middle aged woman walked towards Dottore and Childe.
It looked like she was a professor.

„ Greetings, professor!", Dottore said, faking a smile, „ I'm terribly sorry that you saw this. You see, this young boy started hitting me for no reason. I tried for it to stop, but he just got worse!"

„ Young man! What's your name?", the professor angrily asked as she stared at Childe.
„ I'm Childe!", Childe nervously replied.

„ Well Childe, you clearly know this college's motto "Be nice to people around you". And you still hurt this poor young gentleman?", the professor yelled, „ You're suspended for 2 weeks!"

Childe's eyes opened widely.
„ But I-!", he began.
„ No buts!", she said, „ I want you out of my sight. And you better learn your lesson not to bully others!"

The professor was about to leave, when suddenly, a different student stood in front of her.
„ Professor, Childe is innocent!", the person said.

That person was Scaramouche.

He was standing up for Childe.
Childe's eyes opened widely. His cheeks turned red.

„ Young man! Don't you dare interfere in something where you aren't involved!", the professor yelled.
„ I saw everything happen. It was Dottore who started the fight. He should be the one who gets suspended...not Childe!", Scaramouche said.

The professor sighed.
„ Well, fights generally shouldn't happen at thus college!", she said, „ Bevause I don't know what side to believe, I will let this slide for this once. But if this ever happens again, I might even make sure both of you never return to this college again!"

The professor angrily walked off.

Everyone returned the cafeteria, since the fight was over. The only ones who stayed where Scaramouche, Dottore, Childe, Kazuha and Heizou.

Dottore walked right up to Scaramouche and got down to his level.
„ Young man, whenever we get home, I'm having a word with you!", Dottore yelled as he stormed off.

Once he left, Childe headed over to Scaramouche.
„ Thank you so much!", Childe said smiling.
„ Hey, it was nothing!", Scaramouche said, „ I agreed with you. It was Dottore's fault. This isn't the first time he's done this!"

That moment, Heizou took a deep breath.
„ Scaramouche, Dottore isn't the best news. We have been observing him...and he is a walking red flag!", he said, „ I know this might hurt...but he's cheating on you!"

Scaramouche sighed.
„ I know he's cheating on me. He's cheated on me many times!", Scaramouche said.

Everyone was shocked.
„ And you still continue to date him?", Kazuha gasped.
„ I would have broken up with him long ago!", Scaramouche said, „ But if I would break up with him, he would slap me like he did last time I tried to break up with him. And I would have no home anymore. It's not easy!"

Tears streamed down Scaramocuhe's face.

Childe wrapped his arms around Scaramouche and pulled him towards his chest.
He hugged him tightly.

„ Hey, I live on my own in a flat, you know!", Childe said, „ And I have an empty bed, where you could sleep. I would like you to live with me, Scara!"

Scaramouche cried harder.
„ I would love that, Childe!", he cried.
„ Well we will save you, Scara! Mark our words!", Kazuha said smiling.

„ And if Dottore ever lays a finger nail on you again, I will kick him in the balls!", Heizou said smiling, „ Fun facts! I used to do karate-!"
„ Heizou, shut up about your obsession with kicking people in the balls!", Kazuha laughed.
„ "Shut up"?", Heuzou laughed, „ Fine. Make me!"

They both laughed. Scaramouche wiped his tears away and laughed as well.
Childe's cheeks turned bright red.

„ We will save you from Dottore, Scara!", he thought to himself.

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