31: Fanta

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„ Look, Kazuha is on his own.", Tomo whispered to Kokomi. Kokomi saw Kazuha sitting on the ground. He didn't look happy. He looked like he was crying.
„ He doesn't look happy...I don't think we should start the plan now.", Kokomi said.

„ Who cares? Happy or not, we agreed to start the plan whenever Shitzou is gone.", Tomo growled.
„ Ok fine.", Kokomi said rolling her eyes.

She approached Kazuha.
He had his hands covering his eyes, and it was obvious that he was crying.

Kokomi approached him.
„ Kazuha, are you alright?", she asked him. Kazuha looked up.
He didn't want to see Kokomi that moment. Mentioning what she had said to Heizou was what caused their fight.

„ Can you please leave me alone?", Kazuha cried. Kokomi took a deep breath.
„ I'm sorry what I told you a few days ago about Heizou. I shouldn't have told you.", she said, „ I can sense it upset you a lot. I guess I just dont vibe with them a lot, so I complained about them to you. I'm sorry."

Kazuha wiped his tears away.
„ Thanks for saying sorry.", he said, „ Heizou and I just had a fight. Who knows where he is."
„ I'm sorry to hear that.", Kokomi said, „ Would you like to spend some time with me? I can cheer you up."

Kazuha smiled.
„ I need someone to cheer me up, so yes.", Kazuha said.
Kokomi smiled as both of them headed inside to the house.

Inside, there was a table with some soft drinks, and some crisps.
„ Would you like a drink?", Kokomi asked.
„ Yes please.", Kazuha replied, „ May I please have a glass of Fanta?"

Kokomi smiled.
„ Sure. I'll get a glass and go pour it for you.", she said.
Kokomi headed into the kitchen. She poured in the Fanta into a glass. She then took out the alcohol she was carrying in her purse.

„ This is part of the plan.", she thought to herself as she poured the alcohol into the Fanta. She then placed a straw into the glass and returned to Kazuha.

The plan was that Kazuha would drink a soft drink with a straw, not knowing that there was strong alcohol in it. After a few minutes, Kazuha would get drunk. Tomo would then approach Kazuha, trick him that he is Heizou, they would make out, and then Kokomi would make sure Heizou would walk in and see them kissing. That would be the end of their relationship.

Kokomi returned to Kazuha.
„ Here.", she said. Kazuha smiled.
„ Thanks Kokomi. You've cheered me up a bit. I appreciate it.", he said.

Kokomi felt bad. She knew that she was betraying him. She was doing this for Kazuha's parents and for Tomo and Mina. She would get a lot of money. She had no choice but to continue the plan.

Kazuha took a big sip through the straw out if the drink. He immediately coughed as he drank.
„ Fanta never tasted like this. Is this even Fanta?", Kazuha laughed as he coughed.
„ The Fanta tastes different here. Don't worry, it is Fanta.", Kokomi lied.

Kazuha smiled as he continued to drink. He didn't like the taste of the drink at all, but in that moment, he was upset. He just needed to take his mind of his partner.
„ Let's go out to the others.", Kokomi said. Kazuha nodded his head.

At first, Kazuha felt normal. He was just watching the others have fun. Everyone was occupied, having a great time. Except for Heizou, who wasn't outside.
„ Do you think Heizou will return?", Kazuha asked in a sad tone.
„ Yeah. He probably just needs time to think about your argument.", Kokomi said, „ They still love you and will come back down soon, ok?"
Kazuha smiled.

Suddenly, Kazuha noticed that he felt a bit dizzy. He felt slightly nauseous.
„ Kokomi? Are you sure that was Fanta?", he asked, „ I feel nauseous. I feel like I will throw up any minute."
„ Oh no.", Kokomi said, „ Should I try and look for Heizou for you? They could help you since they would know what's best to do to help you out.", Kokomi suggested.
„ Yes please.", Kazuha said as he started to have hiccups.

Kokomi, of course, didn't look for Heizou. The plan was that she would get Tomo.

She found him outside, standing on his own next to a tree.
„ He's drunk.", Kokomi whispered, „ You can go up to him."
„ Good. Anything I should say to him to make it more believable that I'm Heizou?", Tomo asked.
„ He had a fight with Heizou. Just apologize to him. He will think you're Heizou.", Kokomi said.
„ Thanks. This better work.", Tomo said. He left and went to find Kazuha.

Meanwhile, Heizou was in his bedroom. They were thinking about what they had said to Kazuha.
„ I acted terribly. It wasn't his fault that Kokomi said that. And he had every right to overthink. I would do the same.", Heizou thought to himself.

„ Hey buddy, why are you here by yourself?", a voice asked.

Itto was standing there, outside Heizou's bedroom.

Heizou sighed.
„ I acted like an asshole to Kazuha.", Heizou explained, „ We had a fight and I've been here for a couple of minutes."
„ Man, don't act sad.", Itto said as he sat on the bed next to Heizou, „ Couples fighting happens. It's normal, and I'm sure it wasn't your fault, nor was it Kazuha's fault."

Heizou hugged Itto.
„ I'm so grateful for you to be my friend, Itto.", he said, „ Even if you say dumb things sometimes, I'm so happy to be friends with you."

Itto smiled.
„ So, should we go down? I'm sure Kazuha will be happy to see you.", Itto said. Heizou grinned.
„ Yeah. I'll apologize to him.", Heizou said. Itto and Heizou got up from the bed and headed downstairs.

Meanwhile, Kazuha felt even more dizzy. His vision was starting to get blurry, and he had terrible hiccups.
„ There is no way that was Fanta.", Kazuha thought to himself.
„ Kazuha?", a voice said.

Kazuha knew the voice sounded familiar.
„ Who's there?", he asked.
„ It's me, your darling Heizou.", the person lied. Kazuha gasped.
„ Heizou? Aren't you mad at me? I was a dick earlier and you have every right to be mad-!", Kazuha began.

Tomo grinned as he held Kazuha's hands.
„ I'm sorry, Kazuha. I was wrong.", he said, „ I love you so much and I shouldn't have acted like that."

Kazuha smiled.
„ I'm happy we're good again.", Kazuha said smiling.

„ Want a kiss?", Tomo asked.
„ Yeah. Obviously.", Kazuha said.

Tomo leaned in and pressed his lips against Kazuha's.

Meanwhile, Heizou and Itto had just arrived downstairs.
„ I saw Kazuha earlier. I think he was over there.", Itto said as he turned left with Heizou.

Itto then recognized Kazuha.
„ Hey, look, there he is.", Itto said smiling.

Heizou approached Kazuha.
„ Zuzu, I just wanted to say how sorry I-!", he began.

Before he could finish his phrase, his eyes opened in shock.

His boyfriend was making out with Tomo.

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