02: Disaster

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That night, Kazuha didn't sleep at all.

He was too nervous to fall asleep.
His lessons were starting the following day, which was already making him stressed.
And not only was he stressed, he also was extremely homesick, although it hadn't even been a day without his parents.

It also felt so weird for Kazuha to live on his own, without his parents.

Kazuha missed his mom's cooking. He wasn't good at cooking at all, unlike his mother. He could only cook pasta and instant noodles. And he didn't even enjoy the food he cooked. He always felt like cooking wasn't for him.

Kazuha was happy as it finally was time to get out of bed. It was 8am when he decided to get out of bed, as his lessons started at 9am.
He had a quick shower, then got dressed into a dark blue hoodie and gray baggy jeans. He tied his hair back, packed in his laptop into his bag, then had a quick breakfast before leaving his dorm.

He walked into college, then made sure he found the room where he had to go to in time, before lessons would start.

As he found the room, he found a lot of students already there. It looked like most of them had friends already, so Kazuha already gave up on trying to meet new people.

He sat in the back row, near the window.
He took out his laptop and turned it on to not make any eye contact with anyone.

„ Hey, can I sit here?", a voice suddenly asked.

Kazuha wasn't expecting someone to talk to him. He was freaking out on the inside.
What if this person would judge Kazuha for being so quiet and awkward?

Kazuha nervously turned his head and made eye contact with the person who had just asked him that question.
He saw a  boy, with fluffy ginger hair, wearing a gray hoodie and blue sweat pants.

„ Sure!", Kazuha nervously replied, „ You can sit here!"

The boy smiled.
„ Thanks!", he said as he sat next to Kazuha.

Not even five seconds later, the ginger smiled at Kazuha.
It looked like he wanted to start a conversation.

„ My name is Childe!", he said smiling as he gave Kazuha his hand, „ What's your name?"

„ I'm...Kazuha!", Kazuha nervously replied as he shook Childe's hand.

„ Are you from here?", Childe wanted to know, „ Or is it your first time here?"
„ I'm from Inazuma!", Kazuha said, „ This is my first time in Fontaine. I only arrived here yesterday, to move into my flat here on campus!"
„ Wow! You're the 3rd person I've met from Inazuma!", Childe said smiling, „ I've asked everyone in this class where they're from, and you're the third person I've met from Inazuma!"

Kazuha knew at this point that Childe was an extrovert. The fact he had spoken to eveyone in the class was impressive. Kazuha would never have such confidence.

„ Anyway, I'm from Snezhnya, but live here for 3 years!", Childe said smiling.

Shortly after, the lecturer walked into the class, meaning Kazuha couldn't talk to Childe anymore.

Kazuha enjoyed his lessons. He didn't find them as boring as in school, since at university, he had subjects that he liked. At school, he would often have math, his least favorite subject. At university, there was thankfully no more math.

At half 12, it was time to eat lunch.
Kazuha was planning on eating in the bathroom stalls. He would always eat in the bathroom stalls in high school, since he didn't have any friends.

As he was about to get up from his seat and leave, he noticed Childe looking at him.
„ So, Kazuha, would you like to eat with me?", Childe asked.

Kazuha's eyes opened widely.
He was happy that someone was asking him to eat lunch with them.

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